Nursing Critical Thinking Inventory

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1. How do you justify your thinking to someone who questions your conclusions? 2. Do you ever think aloud, or do you wait to speak until you have your ideas firmly in place? Why? 3. In what situations are you easily swayed from your thinking by someone else’s opinion? Contextual Perspective 1. Describe how you approach an ambiguous situation. 2. How often, and under what circumstances, do you ask questions that start with “But what if…?” or “It depends…?” 3. When you tell a story, do you tend to include background information, or do you keep more strictly to the point? Why? Creativity 1. Describe something you did in the past month that required innovation thinking. Why do you think it was innovative? 1. How do you justify your thinking to someone who questions your conclusions? In order to justify my thinking in a situation where my conclusions are questioned, I begin by looking at my statement and deciding whether it is clear, accurate, and precise. According to Wilkinson (2012), clarity is defined as a clear statement in order for someone to understand if it is relevant and accurate (p.70). Something in my conclusion must be unclear if someone is questioning it, so I then must deduce which areas are uncertain and clarify it. To prove the validity of a conclusion, facts supported by evidence should be used to justify the claim. Facts are statements are verified through observation and investigation (Wilkinson 2012, p. 46). Evidence-based practice is an approach using the best evidence possible or the most appropriate information available to make a decision (McKibbon 1998). For example, if had a patient that in is the antepartum unit with a status of eclampsia and is newly prescribe magnesium sulfate. A fellow col... ... middle of paper ... ... nurses’ thinking model on nursing students’ diagnostic accuracy. Retrieved from effects of using dnt on nursing stud diag accur.pdf Varcarolis, E. M., & Halter, (2010). Foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing: A clinical approach. (6th ed., p. 213). St. Louis, Mi: Saunders Elsevier. Webster , M. (2013). Definition of innovation . Retrieved from Wilkinson, J. M. (2012). Nursing process and critical thinking. (5th ed., p. 34,37,39,40,41, 47,53,70,197,216). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Ylvisake, M. (2006). What are concrete and abstract thinking?. Retrieved from

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