My nurse preceptor was Raji. I really enjoyed her communication skills. She made sure to be in constant communication with not only the different healthcare teams, but also the families. Keeping the patients and their families informed really helped get them involved in their care. She had a kind nature and positive attitudes. She made sure to communicate pertinent details regarding the patient's status to the patient's doctors and nurse practitioners. I was really impressed by her effort to provide complete comfort and ease to her patients. I have had previous nurses (at other hospitals) that did not necessarily pay attention to these small patient centered care elements. These were assumed to be done by the clinical partner. However,
When I am older I would love to be a Nurse Practitioner, I enjoy helping people when they are sick and taking care of them. Another reason I want to be a Nurse Practitioner is because my sister is also a Nurse Practitioner.
In an evidence based research, evaluation plan is very important. Evaluation is a systematic approach to assess the information, data or statistics collected through a research on a specific problem. Nurses should always practice evidence based approach and collect data so these can be compared with other studies done on this specific topic.
Growing up, I was never really sure what career would fit best for me. I didn’t know which direction I was going to take and I always ended up pushing it aside because truly, it scared me. Coming into high school, I ended up with multiple injuries – I sprained my left ankle twice and my right ankle once; I also ended up spraining my elbow. This all happened through cheerleading and lacrosse. I was continually going to the hospital and started to realize what my passion was – being in the medical field. My passion for being in the medical field grew even more when my brother married his girlfriend, Yuko. She happened to be a nurse, as well as my other brother who worked as a physical therapist. Though I didn’t know what field I necessarily wanted to go into, and I still am a little conflicted, I knew my heart was in the medical field. One that I’ve specifically looked into recently has been emergency room nurses.
In my upcoming years at Michigan State University I have intentions on applying to the Nursing school, completing nursing school and in the end continuing my academic career by becoming a CRNA- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. The reasons I crave to pursue this career are ample: opportunities to aid others on a daily basis, work on a team with other medical professionals and be able to alter people's lives in a positive way consistently.
On November 17th, 2015 I had an observation clinical shadowing a Registered Nurse in Case Management. Case management is a side of nursing that is not brought up very often. We started off the shift in the nurse’s office. Morgan, the nurse, had a meeting to attend at 9:00am, so we stayed in her office to get organized for the day.
When I was working as a bedside nurse in the Emergency Department, in one of my duties I was not satisfied with the treatment plan made by a resident doctor for XYZ patient. He entered intravenous KCL (potassium chloride) for the patient. The purpose of that medication and its dose for that patient was not clear to me. I assessed patient history and came to know that a middle aged patient came with the complaint of loose bowel movements, vomiting, and generalized weakness. His GCS (Glasgow comma scale) was 15/15, looked pale but was vitally stable. I exactly do not remember about his previous disease, social or family history but I do remember that he was there with his son. According to the care plan, I inserted intravenous cannula, took blood
Mrs. Callaway is what every nurse should strive to become. I want to follow in her footsteps. She never complains about anything, she just steps up and does what needs to be done. I strive for this every day. I do not want to be the nurse that is stuck in an office but I want to be that nurse that all my patients and co-workers can count on to do the right thing and to make the right decisions. I understand that every day is not going to be great days, but if I put my best foot forward everything else will follow.
The qualities I think that is essential to be an excellent preceptor for someone in the nursing field is support/motivation. The preceptor must be an individual who has the senses to know when a nurse is struggling and give them the support needed to continue and push pass the obstacles they are facing because there are daily challenges that every nurse must face. The next characteristic that is important is the nurse must be knowledgeable in their area of nursing. This characteristic is important because if another is confronted with a dilemma they can be available as a resource because many nurses seek out a preceptor when they are unsure of a route to take before or after a situation has occurred. Honesty is the best solution for any situation and is one of the most important character traits to process. The preceptor must be accountable, truthful, and always ...
The transition from student to a qualified nurse can be a stressful and overwhelming ex-perience for many newly qualified nurses. This opinion is widely upheld throughout the literature with Higgins et al (2010) maintaining that many of the problems experienced are due to lack of support during this initial transition and a period of preceptorship would be invaluable.
When it comes to switching shifts, nurses usually give a quick report on the patient, so the oncoming nurse knows what is going on with the patients. Sometimes nurses are rushing through the report, skipping through vital information, which can cause harm in our patients. We must have a standard hand off report each nurse must follow to provide patient safety and satisfaction.
The credential CRNA was formed in 1956, whereby CRNAs acted as anesthesia professionals safely administering over 34 million anesthetics to the patients in the United States. CRNAs are the key providers of anesthesia in the rural America, thus enabling the healthcare facilities in the medically underserved centers to offer surgical, pain management, obstetrical, and trauma stabilization services. In certain states, CRNAs are the single providers of the rural hospitals. A report from the institute of medicine in 1999 stated that anesthesia care is over 50 times effective that it was in early in 1980s (Hamric et al, 2014). A number of studies have shown that there exist no difference in quality of care offered by physicians and the CRNAs. CRNAs offer anesthesia in collaboration with dentists, podiatrists,
“Advances in medicine and agriculture have saved vastly more lives than have been lost in all the wars in history” -Carl Sagan ( It’s difficult to become a nurse practitioner. Before entering this field, you must take high school courses that can benefit a person interested in becoming a health care provider. It may still take many years of college and training to earn a base salary. Even though there is room for advancement, this also takes many years of practice and experience. After all the training and experience has been fulfilled, the outlook for this career is encouraging. Looking at a usual day as a health care provider, shows there is much to master and a lot to comprehend before entering the workforce.
A leader is described as a person who guides others and has authority and influence over others. They work to influence others into meeting certain goals. There is no right or wrong definition of a leader and there is no recipe that ensures effective leadership. Successful leaders have a good balance of vision, influence, and power. Leaders gain their authority from their ability to influence others to get the work done; because of this, anyone has the potential to be a leader. (Finkelman. 2012, p15)
Saying that you are a registered nurse is a broad statement. Registered nursing is a job that has many aspects. Registered nurses work in many different settings and they carry out many different routines. As a registered nurse you could be exposed to many different opportunities. My goal is to be a registered nurse but, I need to learn a lot. Becoming a being a registered nurse requires a lot of hard work and effort but, if I focus on my goal I will be able to achieve it.
Healthcare is not a static field. As healthcare changes, so do the responsibilities and roles of the registered nurse (RN). Certain aspects of nursing vary slightly between facilities, but a few key roles remain the same. These five roles of the RN include, but are not limited to: teacher, advocate, leader, colleague, and expert. These roles are interrelated and each is an intrinsic piece in the practically undefinable nursing role of caregiver (Taylor, 2011, p. 455). The topic of overtime—voluntary or mandatory—is a current issue in nursing. This paper will discuss the different functions of the roles, the practice issues of overtime, the proposed solution and how the nurse will function in this proposed solution.