Number The Stars Thesis

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Number the Stars is a historical fiction novel written by Lois Lowry, which is told from the point of view of a ten year old girl named Annemarie Johansen. The setting takes place during the Nazi occupation of Copenhagen, Denmark in the year 1943. The story begins when Annemarie Johansen crosses paths with two German troops, who are both affiliated with the Nazi Party. This moment instills nothing but pure terror and anxiety for Annemarie Johansen because this is not only the first time in her life that she witness the terror of Nazi Germany, but she also finds her self at the mercy of its influence. Number the Stars makes it known early on just the level of fear that the Nazi Party had created among its neighboring countries. By choosing to …show more content…

This disclosure of information to Annemarie Johansen can be interpreted as a reference to the history and documented records of how the Nazi party had sent people to their deaths because of their personal views towards them. However Annemarie Johansen's realization is also the narrator's attempt to expose the consequences of such ignorance and discrimination resulting in the creation of the literary tool known as satire within the book. An example of this is when we see Annemarie make assumptions about the Rosen's, most notably when she is viewing them as if they lack or maybe even lost their pride because of the fact that they wear scruffy and beaten up clothes. However she quickly discovers that she has assumed incorrectly because it is in fact not the case at all. Their pride is actually still in tact within them because it is not derived from any of their valuables or other forms of property owned by the Rosen's. The casket, too, is an object used in the story to point out the protagonist makes such a miscalculation based on appearance. When thinking of something like a casket, one would assume that is symbolizes the losing of a loved one or the presence of death amongst humanity because it usually contains the remains of someone who has passed away, and with Number the Stars taking place during the occupation of the Nazi Party, it would make sense for one (especially the protagonist) to make such a mistake. However, when Annemarie Johansen begins to look beyond their physical appearance, the zenith of her realization is when she discovers that this case actually holds the necessary items needed in order to help other people stay alive. This particular function of the case represents an oxymoron because the case, which is used for the

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