Nora As A Feminist Essay

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A feminist is someone who does not need to rely on a man financially. Nora is completely dependent on Torvald for money. She is a big spender and very materialistic. She begs Torvald for more and more money and never is satisfied. Though the play occurs during the holiday season, Nora’s spendthrift ways is a habit. When Nora enters the house after her costly Christmas shopping spree, Torvald criticizes her squander spending. Torvald explains how if something happened to him she would be doomed because she is so irresponsible with money. Torvald throws a major dis at Nora, ”What a woman you are!” (Act I). Torvald is implying all women are the same and careless with money. After Torvald yells at her, instead of standing up for herself she says, “Very well¬- as you please, Torvald” (Act I). Nora accepts anything Torvald says even when he is insulting her. Unlike a feminist, Nora completely is a pushover and in no way sticks up for herself. …show more content…

When Nora and Krogstad have an argument over the position at the bank Krogstad asks Nora to use her influence to prevent him from loosing his job, “But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence- absolutely none” (Act I) replies Nora. Torvald has complete dominance over her and she knows it. Krogstad tells Nora the truth that she lacks courage and is powerless because “you have not the will” (Act I). If Nora really were a feminist she would have no problem making this request to her husband. It is not Torvald’s fault he is controlling; it is Nora’s for letting him be that way. A feminist has no problem speaking up contrasting Nora in which she does has to think over and over before she were to confront her husband. A feminist does not need to think twice about confronting something they feel strongly about which is completely opposite of

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