No Wire Hangers!

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No Wire Hangers!

Years ago I remember stories of girls with unwanted pregnancies going to a rear 'back-alley” apartment located in the Voyageur Bus Station in my small town for abortions. I am sure some of the tales were fabricated on hearsay, some might have had some merit, but the word coat hanger kept popping up in conversations. Once in awhile I would walk by that building and wonder what really went on in there and feeling every sad for girls that had no choice. In 1963, my mother's friend told us the only patients that got dialysis were septic abortion 'survivors'.

In 1968-69 the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69 introduced by Pierre Trudeau's Liberal government, legalized abortion in Canada as long as a committee of doctors signed off that it was necessary for the physical or mental well-being of the mother. In 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in R. v. Morgentaler that the existing laws were unconstitutional and struck down the 1969 law. Abortions in Canada are provided on request and funded by Medicare, to Canadian citizens and permanent residents (as with most medical procedures) in hospitals across the country. While the Canada Health Act has been interpreted by the federal government as requiring provinces to fund abortion clinics fully, Nova Scotia provides only limited funding, and New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island provide no funding for clinics. (Wikipedia)

Could I have made a personal choice to have an abortion? Probably not, but I believe each woman should have control over her own body and make their own decisions. Since 2010 at least 54 abortion providers in 27 American states have closed or stopped performing the procedures. Another 16 closed in Texas after lawmakers passed some of the tough...

... middle of paper ... diabetes, etc. She is the one that quite literally could be putting her own life on the line. And please stop repeating the ridiculous idea that women are using abortions for mere birth control. No one would prefer an expensive, invasive medical procedure over using birth control.
This is an issue that doesn't only affect women and it's up to all of the American people. In the 50's there was way too many criminal abortions on teenage girls, many of whom developed sepsis and renal failure, and died for lack of human medical care. It took many years to improve this wrong, and now narrow-minded and frankly ignorant self-serving politicians are taking us back down that primrose path. This is not how cogent, civilized, and humane people work and it must stop. Personally I think it's only a matter of time before the state of Texas outlaws the sales of coat hangers.

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