"No,No, We Won't Go!" has a better argument than "Fight For Your Right to Be Free". They both prove their point and have strong arguments about the draft but "No We Won't go" has stronger evidence and facts to back it up. For example in paragraph 7 it says " A large number of Americans believe that the draft is obsolete, an outdated practice from decades ago." they start off with a strong argument and they have their evidence to back it up. They said “ Further, America has not had a draft in more than forty years. This means that more than a generation of people has no memory of the entire male population being called up to fight.” They said that the draft is an outdated practice and it hasn’t been used in over 40 years which means our generation
knows nothing on how a draft would work. Now, we know that there were protesters that strongly disagreed about the draft but that wouldn’t be solid evidence to be using in this argument unless it came from someone reliable like Matthew Spaulding, the director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at the Heritage Foundation. He says “volunteer organizations, private service groups, and people working on their own help the country better than being forced to serve in the army could.” because about 63.4 million Americans volunteered in 2009. This is very strong evidence to back up his statement and it comes from a reliable source, Writing in U.S. News & World. In conclusion the author for “No,No, We Won’t Go” gave a better argument and strong evidence to back it, also it came from a reliable source.
In the following scene, Caesar is set to receive his crown. The night before, Calpurnia sees bad omens, and hopes that Caesar will stay home. On the other hand, the conspirators are planning the assassination of Caesar at the Capitol, and they need him there to receive his fate. Knowing Caesar well, Decius urges Caesar to go to the Capitol and receive his crown. Using various rhetorical devices, Calpurnia attempts to urge Caesar to stay home, while Decius tries to get Caesar to the Capitol.
People who support the military draft will say that it is the obligation of every citizen of the United States, and every other person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 42, to perform a period of national service. Aren?t there many other ways--less deadly ways--to contribute to the country?s well being? Should we, as citizens, be allowed to evade this ultimate obligation by turning it over to the poorer members of society, those who can't find good-paying jobs or training except in the military? In "A War for Us, Fought by Them," William Broyles, a Vietnam war veteran and the father of a young man who is a soldier in the Marines, argues that the military draft should be brought back, and this time it should be done right: everybody should be drafted, not just ?the profoundly patriotic or the economically needy" (Broyles 695).
During the debate, we covered all three elements of the rhetorical appeals: pathos, logos and ethos. In the beginning, Jiale talked about the Second Amendment, stating that United States citizens have the right to keep and bear arms. She then applied this concept with a historical event of the independence war with Britain. From referring to the history, this established the ethos of our group. Audience knew that we have done research about the topic and our arguments are reliable. During the debate, we paid close attention to other
The author believes that Women saying that they are being treated unfairly is biggest deceit of this time. One of the reason the author believes that equal right is wrong because women will become apart of the military draft. He believes that being drafted into the military is an un american thing to do. It is hard enough for men, so he believes why would anyone allow their wife, mother, or sister be apart of equal right that would make women go into the military. He also believes that equal rights will also affect women right to receive child support. The author point out that men has always been required to take care of their women, so why would women want to have equal rights if it mean losing child support or being forced into the military. This document is important because it shows a different stance on equal rights. In the first document you see feminist fight for their right to be their own persons. In this document we see a person against equal rights for women. Although Phyllis Schlafly is against equal rights for women it is more out of concern than anything. He just want women to be taking care of. He is afraid that women won’t be taken care of if they have equal rights as men. He believes that she women will lose support from their husbands and the right for child support. This is understandable worry on his part. He just wants women to be taking care of, but he can’t see the bigger picture on why it is important
Imagine waking one day to witness the tragic state of hundreds of thousands of homes being left in ruins, along with the ashes and rubble of major cities, and the casualties of millions of citizens. This was evident on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima, Japan when the first ever atomic bomb dropped. A mere three days later, and Nagasaki, Japan was also bombed, and the world was taken by storm. Even though WWII is in the past, the long-term effects on Japanese citizens and the debate on possible outcomes of the war is still discussed decades after the events. According to Peter H. Brothers in “Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare: How the Bomb Became a Beast Called Godzilla,” these events inspired film director, Ishiro Honda, to create the monster movie Godzilla,
"There is one front and one battle where everyone in the United States—every man, woman, and child—is in action, and will be privileged to remain in action throughout this war. That front is right here at home, in our daily lives, and in our daily tasks."
I never thought I would say this but I think we should reinstate the draft. It has been years since we have wanted or needed a draft, but in view of the United States being attacked on September 11, 2001, I feel our country must be ready and prepared to defend itself. If being prepared means reinstating the draft, a mandatory summons for military service, then I think we should consider this a reasonable proposal. I think the tragic events of September 11 will evoke most people to agree with me. Since September 11 we have seen a surge of patriotism in this country that seemed hidden for many years. I am so glad patriotism was not lost, and I think most Americans would be willing to defend their country in light of this attack. We are a nation and a people who believe in freedom and democracy. It tells other nations who we are and what we stand for. It is these beliefs that lead me to believe that the people of the United States will do anything to preserve our freedom and democracy even if it means reinstating the draft. I want to prove this notion, but am unsure how to accomplish this. I have not read any recent articles in newspapers or magazines that have dealt with this issue. My textbook was not a source either. So I decided to do two things. First, I went to the Internet for any information, articles, discussions, or statements relating to this issue. Second, I decided to conduct an informal poll. This informal poll consisted of male and female respondents with an age span of eighteen to sixty two. My poll started with classmates in my Western Civilization and Studio Art classes and the professors who instruct these classes. My poll included emailing friends and family who live and work in New York, family currently serving in the Armed Forces, and a family member who is a Veteran of the Viet Nam War. Also included in this poll is a random sampling of the townspeople of Los Alamos. Medical personnel at Los Alamos Women’s Health Services, and the lunch crowd at Café’ Allegro rounded out my poll. This cross section of Americans evoked many feelings and opinions and stimulated many conversations and critical thought. These conversations exhilarated me and the results I obtained amazed me.
...the appeal of the life of the soldier and even of the validity of his Novum as a government form (he makes explicit reference to Technocracy, the nearest equivalent (199)). I do find the argument convincing, but perhaps not as much for the younger reader. The best advantages of military service presented are acquiesce and contentment, in short, the death drive - the desire to live less – a desire I hope is not well formed in the young reader. The arguments for the superiority of the military man are less convincing since they rely on a pretty problematic altruism founded on species survival over the individual but they are serviceable and no one debates with someone who wants to sacrifice himself anyways. Overall, if the capitalist game of meritocracy appears a bit too rigged and the death drive kicks in a bit early, military service is shown to be a good option.
One of them is about the crimes that they committed while they were over there with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. Second main point is the feelings that these men carry with them after coming back from Vietnam. How country doesn’t know what monsters they created for nothing. Third main point is how they don’t consider themselves heroes, America’s best men, because they were ashamed of and hated for what they were called to do in Southeast Asia. The last main point is how veterans don’t get the support that they deserve when they came back to the States after the war. They can’t find jobs and the hospitals across the country won’t or can’t meet their demands. Each main point and sub-point is supported by facts, testimony, and examples. He talked how they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, and a lot more that they did. He talks how angry they were when they came back, because they committed crimes because of the war that didn’t even supposed to happen. Because there was nothing in Vietnam which could happen that could realistically threatens the United States of America. He talked how some veterans died while they were in the VA hospital because there was no personnel to help
Kennedy, C. Robert. “How To Escape The Draft.” New York Times: On This Day. accessed September 12, 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/harp/0801.html.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James has been the cause of many debates about whether or not the ghosts are real, or if this is a case of a woman with psychological disturbances causing her to fabricate the ghosts. The story is told in the first person narrative by the governess and is told only through her thoughts and perceptions, which makes it difficult to be certain that anything she says or sees is reliable. It starts out to be a simple ghost story, but as the story unfolds it becomes obvious that the governess has jumps to conclusions and makes wild assumptions without proof and that the supposed ghosts are products of her mental instability which was brought on by her love of her employer
...itary conscription in the name of freedom is an illegitimate, criminal organization. A government that is willing to enslave people cannot be trusted to protect your liberty. A government that forces people to fight for its goals, its protection, and its benefit has created a morally perverse situation where there is no free society left to defend” (Boldin). Another thing we must look at is without an overflow of troops; “unpopular wars are very difficult to fight. The ability to use conscription actually encourages politicians to wage even more wars;the massive resources are a temptation that is hard for the war-lover to resist. When the draft was finally undermined in the 1970′s, for example, the Vietnam War ended” (Boldin).
There are plenty of arguments for why the draft is wrong and unlawful, or even unconstitutional. When it comes down to basics, sending people involuntarily to war does sound pretty far from freedom of choice, but there is more to it than that. Understanding that it is a free country is one thing, but freedom comes at a price. Everyone wants to be free but not everyone realizes that there are times when we must fight to maintain our well-earned freedom. It is impossible in some cases to fight a full- blown war with just a volunteer army, and if it threatens our freedom, than we must fight the war with volunteers and draftees alike. In technicality, it may be wrong, but realistically, there are many times when a draft really is needed, and if run the correct way, it can be very effective.
One of the most destructive and arrogant persons in history was Adolf Hitler. The destruction that he and his regime brought on humanity has seldom seen its equal. In reality the Holocaust was a terrible horror, but in Hitler’s mind it was merely a brushstroke in the masterpiece that he believed he was creating. Hitler believed that the Aryan race was superior to all others and that it was only natural, and not cruel, that the higher would show no humanity toward the lower (296). This prejudiced belief predominated Hitler’s thinking. In his essay, On Nation and Race, his assumption that Aryans are superior to all others creates a type of logical fallacy called “Begging the Question” (Rottenberg 291).
Recently, there has been much debate about universal health care in the United States. Both sides of the issue have many valid points to support their argument. They bring up points about the effect on the economy, individual costs, and whether or not healthcare is a right or not. In two particular editorials, the authors approached the topic with two very different argumentative structures. Both could have been effective in convincing readers to side with them, but one was more effective as it had far more elements of logos and ethos.