No Wasted Housing

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There is a new housing movement spreading fast across America. It is based on a desire to cut back on high utility bills and large amounts of possessions to live a more meager, but greener, life. It all started when folks began to consider just how much they were having to work to pay off and maintain their large houses. Fed up with having no time for family or friends, they searched for a better way to live a simpler life that wouldn't strain their wallets to the breaking point. But for those who have never stepped inside a tiny house, it can be hard to understand what it is really like to live in one. Read on for a few examples of their features that are are so unique that you might just consider getting one for yourself. No Wasted Space …show more content…

So they are even smaller than the average efficiency apartment is. Because of this, every inch of them is designed with space-saving features. Drawers and cabinets are put in unusual places to ensure that items can be still be stored properly. The doors slide into crevices in the walls. And there are no extra gaps between the appliances. Many of them even include overhead storage areas similar to an attic. Composting Toilets Some tiny houses have no bathrooms at all, but this causes the homeowner to have to be dependent on using the toilet somewhere else. Because of this, many have started to add features that make hygiene at home a little bit easier, such as the composting toilet. This toilet isn't directly connected to a sewer line. Instead, it allows waste to break down in an attached container that has to be emptied occasionally. Open Living Quarters In a tiny house, all of the rooms flow together. If there is a bathroom, it is usually partitioned off with a small door or curtain though. But for the most part, all of the space is completely open. This makes decorating a lot easier because the same colors and patterns can be continued throughout the home. But for those who are used to having more privacy, not having individual rooms can be a bit difficult to handle at

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