No Money No Time Summary

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There are many ways scarcity can effect ones self. Whether being affluent or impoverished, scarcity does not discriminate. Konnikova, Levine, and Kozol explain how scarcity affects our daily lives, our children, and our school systems across the United States. The standard views on the influences of social class on behavior in the article “No Money, No Time” by Maria Konnikova is that the less fortunate individuals do not make enough money to get themselves out of poverty and never have enough time to focus on the important things in life. The viscous cycle never seems to end and continues to be repeated by future generations. Although, some of these statements are true, Konnikova also shows us a new perspective on how wealth and poverty plays a role with the lack of money and time. Konnikova uses research data provided by Sendhil Mullainathan, a Harvard economist and Eldar Shafir, a Princeton psychologist to see how wealthy and poor individuals succeed in their game “Angry Blueberries.” The results showed that the poor participants were more focused and engaged with each individual shot knowing they had fewer. While the wealthier participants on the other hand had 12 more shots than their counterparts. …show more content…

Many people have this perception that these families live in a perfect little world of their own, wearing the latest fashion trends and driving the newest cars. We have it all wrong and Levine shows us what is really going on behind closed doors. They aren’t the perfect little families we think they are. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and water our own grass instead of looking to see if it’s greener on the other side. Not everything is as good as it appears to be. Everyone, whether impoverished or affluent has their own struggles they fight on a daily basis. How we react to the everyday battles makes us the person we are

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