Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Handmaid's Tale

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Utopias and Dystopias Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell The Handmaid's

Tale - Margaret Atwood

These two novels are dystopian tales about the possible future for the

human race. Both have people totally controlled by the society in

which they live. Nineteen Eighty-Four was written in 1948 when the two

world wars were still fresh in everybody's minds, also people were

well aware of totalitarian states due to publicity about places under

dictatorship rule such as Nazi Germany. The Handmaid's Tale was

written in 1987 and features a dystopia in which women have had all of

their rights removed. Margaret Atwood is a Canadian Feminist writer.

The openings to both these novels set the atmosphere that first

introduces the reader to the dystopian setting, Orwell begins with a

familiar idea for most people, "a bright cold day in April" this type

of weather is accustomed with his readers so they immediately find

something they can relate to. This is shattered strait away within the

same sentence where it says, "the clocks were striking thirteen"

suggesting even the system of time is different in this world. The

idea of familiarity is followed through with the protagonist's name:

Winston Smith, Winston would be familiar to readers in 1948 because of

the recent Prime Minister who was considered a war hero, Winston

Churchill; and Smith which is possibly the most common surname in

England. The name suggests that the protagonist is an ordinary person

sharing the surname of so many others, but also has the ring of a hero

like Churchill. The weather seems ever so customary to Britain;

horrible basically so readers could associate to this also. The smell

inside the building is one that readers would recognise, all this

familiarity enables people to be able to build up a mental image of

how Orwell envisioned this dystopian world to be like, readers could

imagine this world as being similar to the current world and would

therefore be more affected as the novel unfolds to reveal how

conditions are different to reality. It is similar enough to relate to

and associate themselves to but with differences, which would intrigue

them to read on. Then the changes take shape again in the idea of

visualising the poster in the hallway that introduces a power figure

given the name "Big Brother." The slogan of "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING

YOU" would be unfamiliar to a reader and could cause them to think

that some kind of monitoring is taking place, which means perhaps

Winston is in some form of prison, and gives the opening a slightly

hostile atmosphere. The screen in Winston's flat and the description

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