Night Elie Wiesel Quotes Analysis

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Elie’s decisions and their consequences. Elie is a negative and a hateful person, Elie Wiesel is a young Jewish boy who grows up in a peaceful town but soon is forced into a death camp as the Nazis capture his town and family. Elie is forced to make worse and worse decisions as he tries his hardest to survive the camps, in Night Elie tells his story. In Night by Elie Wiesel, the young boy Elie is forced to make decisions that lead to them having a negative impact on him. Elie often contemplates leaving people or just killing himself as he continues to make decisions that lead to worse and worse predicaments throughout his sojourn in the Nazi death camps which lead to him becoming negative and hateful. My first piece of evidence to back my claim …show more content…

Too late to save your old father.”(wiesel 111) This quote shows Elie’s transformation and the thought and decision of him leaving his father, in the end he decided not to but this does not matter as he still had the thought crossed his mind and when his father does eventually die he does not cry, he simply leaves him in the snow as a frozen corpse, as if he never knew him. This truly does show the dark side of Elie, the dark side that has come out after years of decisions and being in the concentration camp. Now not only that but Elie also thought to himself that he was incapable of stopping it which is simply untrue as Elie had the strength to help and could have helped stop the son but he decided to sit still. Elie showed he had strength mere hours later when someone gave the idea to get up and move around otherwise they would freeze to death showing Elie did in fact have the strength to help the old man but instead conserved it for

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