Night And Inhumanity In Elie Wiesel's Night

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Night and Inhumanity, still relevant.

Through the many issues our society has experienced, inhumanity is one of them. In the past, people of the world have experienced all types of mayhem. There have been powerful incidents that have occurred since the Holocaust which show that to this day inhumanity is still present in modern time. In the book Night, by Elie Wiesel, there are a lot of examples of inhumanity. The main character Elie has to endure hard times. One example is when he was forced to go to a concentration camp, or when he was stripped from his home, or when he and his family were split in half. Even though some people do not agree, the book Night is still relevant in present day because inhumanity still exists. Someone could …show more content…

To this day it still exists it is just in different forms. People have reason to believe inhumanity does not exist anymore in our modern era but they are highly mistaken. One real world example of inhumanity is bullying. This humans treat other humans like they are not worth anything. The Nazi’s bullied the Jews because they were cruel and brutal to them during the Holocaust. From the website “Bullying and Suicide - Bullying Statistics “ it shows that kids all around the world are committing suicide from being bullied and over fourteen percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost seven percent have attempted it. This shows the fact that bullying has severe internal effects on people which is exactly what happened to the Jews during the holocaust. In the article titled "The Inhumanity of September 11” the author discusses how September 11 was a tragic incident and how it took lots of lives for no reason. “America was violated—nearly 3,000 lives were lost. It was an inhuman act of aggression and brutality. We Americans have been grieved, astounded, misplaced, endangered, compelled, puzzled, and stunned by the proportion of the brutality of the 9/11 act.” This is another real world example of inhumanity in today 's society because 9/11 was very impulsive because the attackers did not care about other people and they did not treat them like humans, instead they treated them like they were just pawns to

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