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The effects of technology in teaching
The effects of technology in teaching
Positive impact of social media
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By generating innovative ways students can interact with their family and peers via different networks, social media has gained incredible popularity amongst students of all grade-levels. While students have come to embrace these alternative methods of communication with great delight, teachers have not welcomed these social networks as warmly. From a teacher’s perspective, social media plays the role of the ultimate student distraction. The distraction has played out from sidetracking students away from homework outside of the classroom, to averting their attention to their gadgets in the classroom. In “Social Media Can Be Your Ally” by Nicholas Provenzano, he reasons that social media is not a teacher’s enemy. On the contrary, he explains, it is a tool used to maximize student education by extending the lesson plan outside of school hours through different social media platforms. In this article, he elaborates on three specific social media apps used for classroom purposes: Remind, Twitter and Instagram.
Moreover, the article shows how different social media platforms serve different purposes outside of the classroom. First, Provenzano introduces Remind. Ideally, Remind is a free app that teachers can use to send group
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Twitter can be downloaded as a free app or accessed via website. Provenzano writes that he uses Twitter to make public announcements such as announcing the day’s homework or sharing random thoughts which relate to class material. Provenzano adds, “A student visiting Baltimore once tweeted a picture of Edgar Allan Poe's grave because we'd just completed a unit on his stories.” Unlike Remind, Twitter allows students and teachers to exchange conversations. Teachers can use this to answer questions outside of class. Nevertheless, different schools have different rules in regards to how students and teachers may communicate outside of school, so this may or may not be a feasible
Economic theorists will often highlight their “right” opinions and while refuting the ideas of others—welcome to academia. Austro-Hungarian economist Karl Polanyi did just that. However, he was more than just an economic theorist, he was an economic historian, economic anthropologist, economic sociologist, political economist, historical sociologist, social philosopher, and author. These various backgrounds contribute and help build one of Polanyi’s most famous overarching explanations in his book “The Great Transformation, The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time.” Polanyi argues that the idea of laissez-faire economics is a utopian idea, never actually existing in a natural state.
Lederer, K. (2012, January 19). Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Classroom -- Campus
Individuals should understand that the use or nonuse of social media has negative and positive effects on their lives whether they recognize them or not. Students who excessively use social networking applications can be negatively affected because they are spending too much time on these applications rather than paying attention in class, completing homework, studying, s...
“Is Technology Killing Our Friendships?” is a magazine article that talks about how today, most communication is on line. The two articles, although they do have some positive ideas, do not support heavy use of modern technology in the classroom. Social media can bring us together and help us. “These platforms(Instagram and Facebook) help people stay together like never before. ”(Scholastic Scope, paragraph 7)
As technology increases and develops in this century, the use of social media increases as well. Schools have begun adapting it, using it as their tool to inform students of any school related news. However, using it as a tool for learning is a different story. By using it as a tool, it can push you off your course with classes. Social media is something that is not needed at school grounds. Schools should not require social media use in classes.
Social media can also make it easy for students to coordinate group projects by creating chat groups or help each other with assignments. The educational potential of social media is grossly overlooked, but could lead students and teachers to the classroom of the
“Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.” Neil Gaiman. Internet have been affecting our life changing the way we think and behave.
For Our Society?” states that, 59% of students that have access to the internet report that they use social media to discuss educational topics 50 percent use social media to talk about school assignments. Middle school students can use social networking sites as a form of communication for things such as projects that involve partners. These sites can help improve a students behavior because it also helps students obtain social acceptance which may play a important role in improving their learning outcome (Impacts Of Social Networks On Social Behaviour). Due to the students behavior improving, they might have better relationships with their teachers and classmates which could make school an easier time for them.
TodaysMeet functions a lot like Twitter or a live chat. It is a backchannel that allows a group of people to connect for a selected period of time. Teachers can na...
“Allowing the students to be given so much access to technology in the classroom may distract students from the students main goal potentially resulting in both lowered grades and lowered retention.” (Gonzalez) Gonzalez believes that social media should be used with precaution and limit how much college students should use social media or else it will affect their academic performance. Although many researchers are concerned with the negative effects that social media can have towards college students such time spent on social media or messaging their friends, there are still some researchers that believe that it is a balance between both student and teacher. “Although schools set rules that define appropriate behaviors with social digital networks, it appears that students and teachers frequently negotiate the boundaries and intersections of these tools and discourses through relationship founded on trust and respect.” (Charles) What Charles is trying to say is that there must be a neutral relationship between professor and student. The professor is the individual with authority inside a classroom then by setting the rules on the first day of class students could know if it is okay to use electronic
Social Media has become a very essential tool in the society; in addition, it has a huge impact on communication and learning process. Social media is defined as websites and applications used for social networking. “As of September 2013, seventy-one percent of online adult use Facebook, eighteen percent use Twitter and seventeen percent use Instagram, twenty-two percent use PInterest, and another twenty-two percent use LinkedIn. (PewReasearch, 2013). In addition, "Between February 2005 and August 2006, the use of social networking sites among young adult internet user ages eighteen and twenty-nine jumped from nine percent to forty-nine percent. The usage of social media had grown drastically.” On social media sites like these, users may develop biographical profiles, communicate with friends and strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more” (Socialnetworking.procon,2012). Social media has impacted everyone in several different ways. In this present time, majority of college student use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Social media has a bold impact college student's grades, social interactions, and the teaching and learning process.
Students are using it more than any time ever. Therefore, social media became something necessary to have in our higher education and can make the big different if we use it in a good way. The video “Academic Excellence in 140 Characters” mentioned that there are many websites which can be accessed for free, and it can encourage students to study. One of these websites is Twitter and using it as a way of teaching. Twitter gives students the chance to participate and share their ideas, it let them also interact with other students so they do not have to feel shy anymore and it is also can inform them with student’s activities and let them take part of it. In addition, the research shows that students are very interested in using social network websites like Twitter or Facebook. As a result, there grades went up and they succeed. Furthermore, college faculty members are also interesting in integrating social media into the learning
The popularity of social media is rapidly increasing in the last few decades. This may be due to the students of colleges and universities as well as youth is widely used for global access. Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook have become a craze for everyone nowadays. In these cases, some students are more concerned about social media or social networks than on teaching by lecturers and will cause affected their academic performance.
Instead of scolding students for using social media, some teachers are actually beginning to encourage their classes to use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the latest current events. Teachers could encourage their students to follow particular top influencers or quality groups that relate to their subjects. This seemed like a meaningful way to engage students in current event discussions (Hunt,
I think that communication is the key to keeping families involved in the education of students. There are several different forms of communication in which I plan to use to communicate with families. I plan on using email and newsletters as my main form of communication with the families of my students. I think that email is the best way to give out information quickly and a way for parents to ask me questions when they are not able to meet face to face. I believe t...