New Deal Dbq

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The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn America has ever faced. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the new deal in attempt to get America out of the horrendous aftermath. The programs he created was called Alphabet Agencies. Although Roosevelt enacted these programs to help the nation, It was not enough. It implemented fear in others. The new deal was moderately successful because it was not the denouement of the great depression coming to an end but it did make an impact that helped the people slowly recover. To help with unemployment, FDR created programs such as the WPA (works progress administration), CCC (civilian conservation corps), and the PWA (public works administration) to reduced the rate of unemployment. The PWA estimated cost of agency exceeded to $11 billion dollars. In today’s money, that would be close to $20 billion dollars. The CCC employed thousands of Americans to work during the Great Depression on projects with environmental benefits. Although it was a relief during that time, it was a program that did not help young men in the future. …show more content…

Much alike to the AAA (which was revoked since majority of the population were African Americans and they weren’t farmers), this only benefited farmers and Roosevelt wouldn’t want that to be ruled unconstitutional. Although Roosevelt created all these new deals in order to help the needy, it never got any tremendous good done. Farmers in Texas suffer from terrible dust bowls and droughts. A family in Arizona struggles to get food on their plates as they only get six dollars to feed three people. Their attempt to increase their pay is but a failure in the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. These sparked many attempts to increase working conditions. Although new deal passed many programs such as the NIRA, many labor unions and work forces are too weak to even protest for a better pay or working

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