New Deal Dbq

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After World War 1 was over, immigrants sought freedom and jobs in America which only added to the rate of unemployment in the country. As a result, the American government passed the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, newcomers from Europe were restricted in any given year to definite quota which was set at 3 percent of the people of their nationality who had been living in the united states in 1910. During this time, America went through a boom, the Roaring 20’s; throughout this time, the supply and demand for new products became outrageously high.The success and demand of this era led to a stretch in time called the great depression. The great depression was a period of prolonged poverty in the United States and around the world. During the roaring …show more content…

In other words, he believed that government should not become involved with the economy. Since an ample amount of Americans were unemployed, many became homeless. As a result, Hoovervilles were established. Hoovervilles were small “shanty towns” built by the unemployed to provide shelter for themselves. These “shantytowns” were named Hoovervilles” to show retaliation towards President Hoover. Breadlines and soup kitchens sprung around America to provide meals for the homeless, mostly bread and soup were served since it was more economical. In the election of 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt ran against Herbert Hoover and …show more content…

Roosevelt stepped into office he had a plan to get America out of the Great Depression. FDR’s plan, the new deal, focused on relief, recovery, and reform. Relief focused on immediate help, providing food and shelter, recovery aimed at rebuilding, making jobs available, and reform changed laws to not have a second depression. Franklin’s new deal was constructed by the alphabet soup, a group of agencies funded by the government to help America become stronger. One of the many agencies under the new deal was the social security act, it provided old-age and disability pensions and unemployment insurance. In 1937, the economy took another downturn, it was caused by reduced spending. Consumer spending was reduced because social security taxes cut into payrolls. FDR’s government ran under Keynesianism; in other words, the government’s money was used to persuade people into spending the money they had saved. Because FDR followed Keynesianism, the national debt increased by more than twenty trillion dollars. FDR’s new deal did not end the great depression but it provided temporary

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