Neurotoxins Essay

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Neurotoxins prevent or stop the function of neurons. Neurons are found amongst the brain, spinal cord and the nervous system, which expands through the rest of the body. The function of neuron cells is very vital to the body as their main job is to process and spread information. Thought the presentations we learned that neurotoxins could cause different effects ranging from non-harmful to deadly. During the presentations we also discussed how the communications of neurons were each group were given one topic such as: action potential, membrane potential, summation, propagation and how different neurotoxins were affected.
The occurrence of action potential is a very short process. When action potential occurs in the neuron the sodium channels open along the axon and sodium comes in. Because the sodium is positive it make the inside of the axon positive. When both the inside and outside are comparative in charge the sodium storms rushing in and starts the depolarization of the action potential. After this happens the sodium channels begin to close and the potassium channels begin to ...

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