Neorealism In The Bicycle Thieves

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Bicycle Thieves also known as the bicycle thief is a film produced in 1948 in Rome. It is a story of a poor father searching for his stolen bicycle after World War II. Without the lost bicycle he will lose job and his young family will be in trouble. It is a film of kindness and love that has touched many people around the globe due to of its influential simplicities. At times, the simple stories are essential to tell, because many people can identify with them because they can create an emotional template of honesty and truth. The story depicted by the film is wondrously simple; the film portrays that in a world like the one where the workman lives, poor people must steal among themselves so as to survive (Tumasulo 1).
Vittorio De Sica was the director of The Bicycle Thieves and his films and the style used on them led to the Italian Neorealist movement together Roberto Rossellini's film; Rome: Open City, which gave a new measure of realism to cinema (Snyder and Howard 139). Neorealism often refers to films of working class life and of the efforts and social environment of people engrossed in a culture of poverty. Italian Neorealism was a pioneering breakthrough, not only due to its technical style and raw filmmaking, but also for the gritty realism of the story depicted and emotional naturalism the characters in the film. According to Andre Bazin, neorealism implies no more actors, no more sets and no more stories which in artistic illusion of reality implying that there are no more cinemas (MacCabe 14).
Neorealism comprises films which were mostly shot on a low-budget and on real locations without use of stages or props. Neorealism is a style where film producers used non actors which brought a sense of reality to the cha...

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...eed to use artistic realism (Edwards, 2).
Formalist film theory is a theory that emphasizes on the formal and practical elements of a film such as the lighting, sound and set design, color use, composition and editing. It is an important theory of film study nowadays. Formalism generally considers the combination of the many elements of film production and the impacts, emotional and logics of the combinations and of the individual elements (Andrew 56). All the elements whether in combination or individually are meant create tension in the film. Formalism is exclusive in that it involves both ideological and auteurist branches of criticism. These formative elements in most films today are aspirations people like Rudolf Arnheim and Béla Balázs who developed movie models for analysis and cultural critique that every so often were ahead of their times (Tomasulo 11).

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