Negligent Homicide

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Murder is when someone kills another person with malice aforethought. Negligent homicide is when a person kills another person, without meaning too, while behaving in a careless way (Bartol & Bartol, 2014). The difference between the two is the intention of the person who carries out the murder. Murder is done with the purpose to end someone’s life. Negligent homicide occurs from the person’s actions, even though they did not intend to kill anyone. Depending on the circumstances, negligent homicide can result in a lighter sentence. Most states classify murder into either the first or second degree. Murder of the first degree is especially vicious, willful, premeditated and on purpose. Murder of the second degree is done intentionally and unlawful minus the …show more content…

The chances that they will receive any therapy decreases as they get older or are placed within an adult facility. An adult facility may not be able to offer them the help they need, or keep them safe from adult offenders (Bartol & Bartol, 2014). The consideration is that juveniles commit homicide because they are disadvantage and life circumstances creating issues for them. Juveniles need services and may be able to change. They need to be separated from adults who may prey on them and take on a parental role which could encourage bad behavior. Juveniles in the system with the hope to be rehabilitated to become an active part of society, whereas adults are to be punished (Champion, Merlo, & Benekos, 2013). I think society looks at juvenile offenders as the victim, and that we owe them a chance to change and become a functioning adult. I feel they level they are held for responsibility is less than an adult. That the system is now stepping in the parental

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