Negative Effects Of Vaccines

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Vaccinations are known to be one of the worlds greatest medical achievements. There seems to be one for every disease discovered, form the flu and even the one used to help eradicate Polio. Vaccines have not only kept prior generations away from certain diseases, they have been proven to be very effective. There has always been oppositions to vaccines, some that date back to the early 1800s. The first smallpox vaccine frightened many parents due to the fact that it included scoring the flesh on a child's arm, and inserting lymph from the blister of a person who had been vaccinated about a week earlier ("Opposition to Vaccines Has Existed as Long as Vaccination Itself.” sec. 1). Although todays medical advancements have made the vaccination …show more content…

Vaccines are usually given in the first few months of life and work to protect the child from its first exposure to diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that healthy children get vaccinated against 14 diseases by age 2 (with boosters later for some), along with an annual inoculation against the flu (Heyworth. sec. 2). There are some parents that believe choosing to vaccinate their children will result in making them sicker. However, vaccines contain the same antigens that cause that specific disease, but are either killed or weakened, which results in not making the person sick. The antigens make the person’s immune system remember the antigen, which allows it to respond faster in the case of being exposed again. If a child receives all the vaccinations recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), by his or her second birthday he or she will have received immunizations to protect him or her from mumps, measles, chicken pox, meningitis, and many other frightening diseases (“Vaccines”. par. 3). Although vaccinations are first given as a young child, there are many available throughout life. As an adult, you are also susceptible to various diseases that can come from working in certain environments and engaging in certain activities. For example, if you are a health care worker, you are surrounded by …show more content…

While vaccines will help each individual, it will also contribute to the future health of the generations to come. In the US, vaccines have reduced or eliminated many infectious diseases that once routinely killed or harmed many infants, children, and adults. That effect is greatly caused by the fact that more and more people are choosing to get vaccinated. Vaccines have eradicated Polio and smallpox along with other diseases. The last case of smallpox in the United States was in 1948; the last case in the world was 1977 in Somalia. Due to these eradicated diseases, there is no need to vaccinate against them. However, keeping up with the latest vaccinations, decreases the risks of those diseases to ever reappear. The CDC notes that many vaccine-preventable diseases are still in the United States or "only a plane ride away." Although the paralytic form of polio has largely disappeared thanks to vaccination, the virus still exists in countries like Pakistan(“".) Those who choose not to vaccinate are not only risking their lives but the lives of their young children and the elderly. There are some people who are not able to get vaccinated, due to specific medical conditions or age. These people rely heavily on “herd immunity”. Herd immunity means that when a "critical portion" of a population is vaccinated against a contagious disease, it

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