Neanderthal Research Paper

948 Words2 Pages

28, 2014
Origins& Extinction of Neanderthals The Neanderthals are one of most iconic ancestors in what we have learned about the past in human evolution. As our closet extinct relatives and that of archaic humans, the Neanderthals are often label as the quintessential caveman. However, despite being once label as the embodiment of primitive humans of limited capacities; evidence has shown us that isn’t the case. The Neanderthals in their prime were able to accomplish and develop what was needed for them to survive from the moment of their evolvement until their end of their extinct. The origins of the Neanderthals begin with their ancestors the Homo erectus between 400,000-300,000 years ago. The climate change was the start of a new coming species as the weather began to cool. This cooling climate change the weather patterns which cause the cold and glaciers then began to move towards Asia and Europe. The Homo erectus population dominated most of the European region in 500,000 BP. So when the glaciers arrived 300,000 years ago and expanded to the Pyrenees and Alps region, the European Homo erectus population became isolated, …show more content…

Fossil evidence like the male Neanderthal found in La Chapelle-aux Saints, France revealed that he lived 60,000 years ago which correlates well to when Neanderthals are said to have lived. Fossils like these help explained how their physical traits help them survive the cold harsh conditions. These traits such as having a robust build with shorter limbs, a much wider rib cage, big noses, and a large cranium had help them stimulate better body heat. Other fossil found in La Ferassie, France were estimated to be dated around 50,000 years ago which showed that they had cared for their dead. In Israel, at the site of Skhul, the oldest fossil evidence found three children and seven adults which dated around 120,000 to 80,000 years

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