Nature In Frankenstein Research Paper

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Nature has always been an essential part of art and literature. Society and people’s relationship with nature is also an intricate part of British literature, especially in Romantic period. Nature has been inspiring and stimulating countless author’s imagination throughout the history. Magnificent views of nature, nature’s greatness, and its overwhelming beauty and power have always been author’s favorite themes for their creation...... until the British industrial revolution started in the late 1700s, and continued to accelerate until the beginning of the 19th century. Manufacturing, business, and factories skyrocketed. Industrialization began to take over nature. Forests, rivers, trees are destroyed and replaced by smoking factories and pollutions. Destruction of mother earth continued and the society was changing rapidly. This change and destruction caught many British poet’s attention and became one of the most popular themes for their writings. During this time period, many Romantic literary works emerged from the feelings of anxiety towards the alienation of mankind from nature, and many writers tried to warm people to reestablish a sustainable, livable relationship with natural world through their writings. “The Rime of The Ancient …show more content…

She uses the urgent issues concerning the relationship between human and nature as the basic of her novel, and developed a story of a young science student Victor Frankenstein, who creates a “monster” for his own desire of becoming famous, and the consequence of his greediness. Shelley’s message to people is simple and clear; do not try to control nature, do not think that humans are stronger than nature and use nature for your own good, it is dangerous and it could destroy you. She reminds people that creation and destruction, life and death, power and balance of the world all lie in the hand of God, not

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