Naturalistic Observation

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Naturalistic observation is a research that involves study the subject of interest in its own environment, as it would occur in day-to-day life. Researchers strive to not make any changes to the environment, as such changes may influence the outcome of the study. Since the entire point of the method is to observe as they occur naturally, such as the outcome is not desired. Advantages it allows the researchers to study things that cannot be manipulated old due to ethical concerns. Disadvantages of it is it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of behaviour and the experimenter cannot control for outside variables. Questionnaire can be thought of as a kind of written interview. They can be carried out face-to face by telephone or post. The questions asked can be open ended, allowing flexibility in the respondents answer. Advantages are responses can be gathered in a standardised way, so questionnaires are more objective certain more so than interviews. Disadvantages is as they are standardised it is possible to explain any points in the questions that participants might misinterpret. Students may not be willing to answer the questions. Case study the limitations are generalisation i,e the findings and results …show more content…

However, this may cause a lack of external validity. External validity refers to the extent results can be generalised from the research study and due to the artificial nature of the laboratory experiments the results may not be a true reflection wider population. In contrast field experiments offer an increase of external validity. Field experiments take place in the participant's natural environment and consequently are easier to generalise. However, this arguably comes at the cost of internal validity. Researchers have less control over variables in a field experiment and this may lead to confounding variables also impacting the

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