Narrative Structures in Zadie Smith's White Teeth and Toni Morrison's Beloved

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Narrative Structures in Zadie Smith's White Teeth and Toni Morrison's Beloved

The novels 'White Teeth' by Zadie Smith and 'Beloved' by Toni Morrison

both explore many different issues. However, a principle theme that

appears to be common in both is the way in which the past influences

the present profoundly and both authors use the narrative structures

of the books to present this idea to the reader. The exploration of

the relationships between characters through time, the past haunting

the present and the way in which history and culture is revealed

through the past are important devices used to show the emotions and

further the plot. Each author does this in a very different way though

and this is the power of the narrative structure and the way in which

it can be used in a variety of different manners in order to achieve a

similar effect.

The narrative structure of 'White Teeth' is very logical. The novel is

divided decisively into sections in order to present the reader with

the emotions and views of the main characters. The four sections

'Archie 1974, 1945', 'Samad 1984, 1857', 'Irie 1990, 1907' and 'Magid,

Millat and Marcus 1992, 1999' provide the reader with a clear cut

structure to the novel, with the past and present accurately

intertwined. The separate 'books' in the novel help the reader to

understand how each character feels about the others, and therefore

explores their relationships between time. The main example of this is

the fact the Archie and Samad have been best friends since the Second

World War. However, their friendship is based on a lie that Archie

killed a Nazi scientist who was helping to develop the Master Race.

The separate books help the reader to understand this and the...

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... way in which mistakes and horrific events

can consume the mind. Two novels, which primarily appear to be about

the struggle of races and racism in society are in fact also about the

importance of time. Smith writes at the beginning of the novel:

'What's past is prologue' from 'The Tempest' perhaps suggesting that

the novel is in fact based upon the idea that the past and the present

are essentially intertwined and play an important role in modern day


The way in which the past can haunt the present, have a negative and

positive influence on the way in which characters react and the plot

develops in both 'White Teeth' and 'Beloved'. It is an essential

element of both novels which helps to create a layered structure and

give depth to the plot so that the events of the present have a past:

a basis which creates a more profound effect of the reader.

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