Athletes Should Be Paid

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Isn't it amazing how one little controversial question can cause so much drama? Take the NCAA for instance. Within recent years the question of weather NCAA athletes should be paid or not has arisen and caused them some unwanted attention. Many coaches and sports enthusiast have been interviewed on their opinion. “Students are not professional athletes who are paid salaries and incentives for a career in sports. They are students receiving access to a college education through their participation in sports, for which they earn scholarships to pay tuition, fees, room and board, and other allowable expenses,” (Mitchell). “There has been major discussion recently if college athletes should or shouldn't be paid while they are in school. The first …show more content…

On a new developed average, it can take up to ten years or more for a student to pay off their debt (Lazarony). Because of this, students have to be more frugal in deciding which school they want to attend. But, students who are athletes can get up to a full ride to the college of their choice if their sport has a team there. For an NCAA athlete, their schooling is paid for in turn for the student to be a dedicated athlete to their sport’s team. For one of the athletes to not only go to college for free, but also be paid extra money just for competing is unjust. Many students who want to attend college but are not athletes, do not have enough money to afford it. In addition, the money that would be used to pay the athletes, could instead be used for scholarships for the students who cannot afford to get their well-deserved education. Parents all across the country would hate to see their straight A student not get into the college that they deserve just because the can not afford it. So, for an athlete to be paid extra money, while getting a free education, would not be fair to other students who do not have the equal opportunity to attend college due to financial …show more content…

So not only do they get to go to college, compete with their sport’s team, they get a place to stay and the living expenses paid for in full. This means that the students get to go to class, go to practice and the go home and not have to worry about bills, loans, or food. For a college kid, those are the main things they think about. Why would athletes need to get extra money when they have everything they already need? There would be no purpose in that whatsoever. For the athletes to have their scholarship cover all that it does, and they get to do all that they do, it is seen as an under appreciated

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