Myth And Ritual Project Research Paper

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Myth and Ritual project Before the existence of time, there was Azuela whom will later become the ruler of the entire universe. After wondering throughout the entire dimension in the realm in search of any sign of existence of his kind grew so tired and was about to give up hope until he decides to make a final voyage where he comes to find Sapphire. Sapphire, was a goddess who was also on a mission but unlike Azuela whose mission was in search of life, Sapphire’s was in the habit of destroying any element she could find in the realm and could not control herself (female symbol of destruction). But with the help of Azuela she is able to control her fury with the aid of the rings Azuela had found sometime during his voyage. They settled in …show more content…

With the moles gone, there is no one to tend and care for the new creations, as a result, the two ultimate gods will make another attempt to join their powers and will result to the creation of Mandins who take the shape of either Azuela (male Mandins) or the shape of Sapphire (female mandins). The two Mandins will take over the previous responsibility of the moles of taking care of the plants and animals and will be severely instructed by Sapphire not to go near the door of the underworld so as not to mistakenly release the moles. The Mandins will adhere to instructions and will be loved by the gods. The moles seeing this new development will become envious of the mandins and will start conspiring to turn the mandins against the ultimate …show more content…

The moles decide to use this opportunity to combine their dark forces and attack sapphire and Azuela for abandoning them by attempting to take her ring. Sapphire will eventually lose control of her powers and will eventually destroy the newly created universe by setting it ablaze but not after Azuela has successfully hidden the Mandins from the catastrophe. Sapphire later finds out that the female mandin was responsible for opening the underworld and will curse her by making the male mandin superior to her. Their creative powers will be stripped from them and they will now have to make their own food to take care of themselves, Both the male and male mandin will be left with power of reproduction as it will become their only source of getting assistance with their burdens and their off spring will bear the punishment due the errors of their parents

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