Mycoplasma haemofelis is the most prevalent erythroparasite in felines (Reagan, 30). This tiny blood parasite is the cause of feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis (FHM), previously known as feline infectious anemia (FIA) (“New: IDEXX…”). Formerly known as Haemobartonella felis or Eperythrozoon felis, these hemoplasma were considered rickettsial organisms until the late 1990’s following 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis which revealed a closer pylogenetical relationship to the genus Mycoplasma (“Mycoplasma Haemofelis,” Allison).
Though hemoplasmas are generally species specific, morphologically similar infections occur in a variety of other vertebrae species worldwide; reported infections in immunocompromised people also suggest the possibility of zoonotic transmission (Reagan, 30, Allison). In recent reports, an HIV-infected human was discovered to be co-infected with Bartonella henselae and a hemoplasma genetically similar to M. haemofelis; the patient owned five Bartonella spp. positive cats, two of which were positive for M. haemofelis (Allison). Numerous scratch and bite wounds were noted on the human patient, suggesting a route of transmission (Allison).
Hemoplasmas are transmitted by the transfer of infected blood, either through transfusion, contamination, arthropod vectors (fleas, ticks, mosquitos, flies, and lice), or by vertical transmission between a queen and her offspring (Allison, “New: IDEXX…”). As previously mentioned in the case of the human patient, aggressive behavior such as biting and clawing has also been associated with transmission and is supported by studied reporting hemoplasma DNA in the saliva, on gingiva, and on the claw beds of infected felines (“New: IDEXX…,” Allison).
Three mycoplasmas have been...
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...anual. 5th ed. Ames: Blackwell, 2001. 47. Print.
Ishak, AM, KL Dowers, MT Cavanaugh, CC Powell, JR Hawley, SV Radecki, and MR Lappin. "Marbofloxacin for the Treatment of Experimentally Induced Mycoplasma Haemofelis Infection in Cats." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 Mar. 2008. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
"Mycoplasma Haemofelis." MicrobeWiki. Kenyon College, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.
"New: IDEXX RealPCR™ Feline Hemotropic Mycoplasma (FHM) Test (formerly Haemobartonella), from IDEXX Reference Laboratories." IDEXX Laboratories Diagnostic Update. IDEXX Laboratories, June 2007. Web. 8 Feb. 2014.
Reagan, William J., Armando R. Irizarry Rovira, and Dennis B. DeNicola. "Red Blood Cell Inclusions and Parasites." Veterinary Hematology: Atlas of Common Domestic and Non-Domestic Species. 2nd ed. Ames, IA: Blackwell, 2008. 30. Print.
This extremely pathogenic zoonotic virus is now understood to travel from bat species, to equine intermediate hosts, to humans.[8, 10] The Hendra virus is listed as a Bio-Safety Level (BSL)-4, and can only be studied at a few adequately equipped laboratories worldwide due to its virulence.[1, 2] Case fatality rates
Although blood transfusions in the veterinary market are infrequent and the market scope is limited, Oxyglobin has the potential to become a lucrative investment for Biopure. Based on the approximate 355,000 blood transfusions (please see Exhibit 1 for the calculations behind this estimate) performed on animals in 1995, a definite opportunity exists for Oxyglobin within the veterinary blood market. Since the number of blood transfusions conducted in 1995 represented on average only 2.5% of animals suffering from acute blood loss, increased availability of animal blood could possibly stimulate the market.
Treponema pallidum is transmitted sexually through oral, anal, vaginal intercourse and from mom to baby during pregnancy or during birth (1). The human host is the only natural known for Treponema pallidum but testing can be done on rabbits for p...
The most common way this disease is transmitted from one animal to the next is through mosquitoes. A mosquito carrying infective heartworm larvae bites a dog and transmits the infection to them. The larvae grow, develop, and migrate in the body over a period of 6 to 7 months, in which time they become sexually mature male and female worms. this is the prepatent period. The worms then reside in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels. The worms begin to mate and release microfilaria into the blood stream. When a mosquito bites an infected dog it takes in some of the microfilaria in the blood. After 10 to 30 days there is larvae in the mosquito’s salivary gland which can then be passed on to the next dog the mosquito bites.
With the earliest recordings coming from the Fifth Century B.C., streptococcus pyogenes, and more frequently, its symptoms have been prevalent among doctors and historians for hundreds of years. The first mentioning of streptococcus pyogenes is to be credited to Hippocrates, in which he describes the relative symptoms of the flesh-eating bacteria in its early stages. Then depicted by Billroth in 1874, patients carrying erysipelas were determined to have this certain bacterial infection. In 1883, the chain-forming bacteria were isolated by Fehleisen; and in the following year, Rosenbach applied the S. pyogenes name. Further advances in hemolytic and non-hemolytic studies were made by Lancefield in the 1930’s, in which the alpha, beta, and gamma subgroups of the hemolytic structures – detailed and defined by Schottmueller and Brown - were divided into serotypes.
Mosquitoes carried the diseases and when a person got bit he would give a disease to the mosquito and the mosquito would pass it on to the next victim ("Historical Overview").
Wharton, David A. "Toxoplasma Gondii Prevalence in Farm Animals in the United States." International Journal for Parasitology: ASP Special Issue : 2000 Joint Meeting of the New Zealand Society for Parasitology and Australian Society for Parasitology Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand, 24-28 September 2000. 2nd ed. Vol. 43. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001. 107-13. Print.
Syphilis, the third most common sexually transmitted disease, affects 12 million new people each year and is the leading cause of stillbirths and deaths among newborns in many developing countries. 3 The causative agent of venereal syphilis is Treponema pallidum, under the Family Spirochaetaceae of the Order Spirochaetales. It is a spirochete, a helical to sinusoidal bacterium ranging from 5 to 15 microns in length. 2 T. pallidum multiplies by binary transverse fission and enter the body through mucous membranes (squamous or columnar epithelium cells) or minor breaks or abrasions in the skin. From there, it migrates to every corner of the body through the blood and lymphatic circulatory system, infecting virtually every bodily organ, including the nervous system. Infections can even reach the womb, infecting the newborn known as congenital syphilis .4
This parasite is spread through the bite of sandflies. There are three different types of infections and they each show varying degrees of severity. The cutaneous form produces mild skin ulcers, mucocutaneous produces ulcers in the mouth and nose, and the visceral form of the disease starts with skin ulcers and then fever, low red blood cell count, and an enlarged spleen and liver. The parasite is detected by a microscope and visceral can also be found by doing blood tests. 12 million people are in infected in 98 different countries and 2 million new cases are found every year. The disease also kills around 20 to 50 thousand people a year.
The female mosquito bites an infected animal then carries their offspring which are called Microfilariae to your dog. (Administration, Animal and Veterinary)
"Bloodborne Pathogens : MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.
...or children. The specific way of transmission is difficult to identify. Most common assumptions have been that transmission has occurred through skin lesions or by sharing blood contaminated objects. Infected saliva is another source of infection especially as a non-parental infection. The virus has the ability to enter a healthy body as an airborne disease by coughing and sneezing, from mouth-to-mouth kissing, biting or by sharing chewed toys and candies [2, airborn]
Although much is unknown on the causes of R.A. there are many things we see in correlation with the onset of disease. These include Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. The mycoplasma bacteria, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus and rubella (German measles) virus have all been considered as possible causative factors but conclusive evidence is still lacking (Zeliadt, 2010). Many times there have only been considerations for infectious bacteria causing this disease but now that idea is being questioned. A study involving mice in bacteria free cages showed that the friendly gut dwelling segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) can cause onset of R.A. in greater numbers than those without. The mice that did no...
Marburg hemorrhagic fever (Marburg HF) is a rare but acute hemorrhagic fever that affects both humans and primates. Transmission is mainly human-to-human, resulting from close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected persons. Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with high fever, severe headache and severe malaise. The individuals at the highest risk of transmission include family members and hospital staff who care for patients infected with Marburg virus. Individuals who have close interaction with African fruit bat, human patients, or non-human primates disease-ridden with Marburg Virus are at risk. The variance diagnoses usually consist of malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera,
Microscopy will be performed on the patient to establish the type of malaria parasite and the number of these parasites in his/her blood sample. The blood sample can be extracted through a finger stab and then made into thick and thin films, and examined severally using a 100x oil immersion objective after staining them with Romanovsky stain (Warrell, Cox, & Firth, 2005, p. 734). By observation, the species of plasmodium can be seen and the number of them established