My Twenty Third Birthday- Creative Writing

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I never had many friends. Especially since it happened anyway.

Sometimes I felt like I was trapped in a undersized room and someone

had thrown away the key, leaving me to die; old and lonely. However,

my trusty friend was always with me on depressing days like these,

most days actually. Vodka. It numbed my brain so I couldn’t think of

Sarah; it was like my sleeping pill as it was like fire water and

burned my throbbing throat as the acid rain fell from my eyes. Today

was my twenty-third birthday and I know what you’re thinking, I should

be happy. But wait there’s another important date tagged to it that I

just can’t seem to forget about, three years since my long term

girlfriend dumped me. I curled up in my bed, knees tucked tightly up

to my chest hugging my only friend who’d understand. My blood shot

eyes were stinging and watery. I fell into a drunken sleep thinking of


I remembered the first time we met. We were in a bar and she was

dancing like an angel on the dance floor laughing with her friends as

she caught my eye. I stood at a long pine bar with steel poles running

around the edge and all of the different spirits were lined up behind

it. I walked past her whilst making my way to the toilet when some

stupid person- I thought at the time but when I think about it now my

hero- knocked my drink out of my hands and it spilt all over her brand

new top! She found the funny side to it after swearing vigorously at

me. She bought me another drink and we talked for a while, she smelt

absolutely amazing- her favourite perfume, I bought it for her the

first Christmas we were together-, I insisted I paid for the dry

cleaners bill for her top but she just kept refusing, she was way too

generous. I really liked her and we exchanged numbers. We also

arranged to meet at the same time the following week as I got the

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