My Strange Addiction Research Paper

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My Strange Addiction. My strange addiction is a show that showcases those whom have a weird obsession that in some way affects their everyday lives and those around them lives also. In the episode observed, a 53-year-old woman was obsessed with consuming her own urine. I say consume, because this woman would consume in what the show stated “nearly all her urine” in anyway possible (Violet Media 2012). This women would drink her own urine, she would age the urine and use it as lotion, she would brush her teeth with her urine, drink it through her nostrils, and she would even consume it through her eyeballs, by putting little eyes cups full of urine over them. This woman prior to her four year long obsession was diagnosed with stage four melanoma cancer, the doctors gave her one year to live once she …show more content…

She declined the chemo and started on what she called “urine therapy”. According to the show this is an ancient medicinal method used, but has no research to back up it as a cure for cancer (Violet Media 2012). Although there was no sound proof that this urine therapy worked, the woman grew addicted and had consumed more than 900 gallons of her own urine is the four years she had been doing the therapy. She stated that is gave her more energy and she felt better doing this treatment, although a new mole that changed daily consistently had showed up. This made her three daughters grow very worried, they sat down with her and convinced her to go to a doctor to get the mole checked out. The woman was very reluctant of going to the doctor, and even stated if the biopsy of the mole showed the urine wasn’t doing any good, but harm to her, that she still would not quit her urine therapy. The show did not state the results of the biopsy, just that they were still pending, but the woman still continued her urine therapy, and even stated she would put urine cups over the mole to try to

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