My Responsibility In Francis Bellamy's The Pledge Of Allegiance

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My Responsibility to America In August of 1892, Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. As found on, the pledge started as “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” in 1982, the pledge changed over the years adding “of the United States of America” in 1923 and in 1954 “under God,” creating the pledge that we know so well in our hearts today. The Pledge of Allegiance is more than just words we say, they show us the responsibilities as American citizens. I pledge allegiance, the first words of the pledge teach us about being allegiant to the laws of our country. According to, “Laws are rules that bind …show more content…

The last eleven words of our pledge is telling us to have respect for veterans and all other Americans. In the pledge there is the word indivisible. This meaning that we as a country cannot be divided. Why should it be any different on the local level then. Why would we disrespect each other when the pledge specifically says that we are an indivisible country. We should all respect eachother no matter race, gender, age, or what the person has done. I personally, every year put flags on every veteran’s grave at my grandfather's cemetery. It is a great honor to be able to walk through the rows of gravestones and be able to place a flag as a small thank you to each one. My greatest honor is that I get to fulfill my responsibility to my great grandfather. Walking to his grave and placing a flag holds a special place in my heart every year. Putting the flags on the graves of fallen veterans, makes me think of all the veterans in my family. My father, two of my grandfathers, and two of my great grandfathers all served in the military and I love and respect them to the fullest extent. I could never imagine disrespecting any of them, not just because they are my family but they are my elders and also veterans who fought for me and you to be able to be here the way we are

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