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My personality type essay
My personality type essay
Understanding personality types essay
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According to 16personalities.com(n.d.). My personality type is that of “The Campaigner” which is described as an extrovert that is made up of several individual traits such as extraverted, intuitive, feeling, prospecting, and assertive (para. 1). “ENFPs represent roughly 8% of the general population and are optimistic, energetic, and see life as full of possibilities” (The Champion, 2016, para.1). I think that discovering my personality type brought a lot of things to light for me that somewhat describe me as a whole.
There are many ways that ENFPs are different from other personality types for example we tend to be more argumentative than other personality types such as INFJs which are the introverted individuals (The Champion, 2016). I know
My personality score was an ENFP, I thought of myself more as an ESTJ. According to the Jungian 16 – Type Personality test, I am an Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeler, and Perceiver. I am also learned that I do in fact have a Type –A personality scoring a 111, meaning that I prefer to work alone rather on teams, and prefer a routine. I scored very high on job satisfaction, which was right on the mark, I love being a United States Marine.
ever taken. I appreciated how they covered such a wide array of one’s personality and though
My confirmed personality type according to the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is INTJ, which stands for; Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging. Introverted people are comfortable being alone
There are many types of diverse people classified under various categories. Some people have different types of personalities. They could be classified as extremely manipulative, others as impulsive, and some may not show anything on the outside and have wonderful social skills. These categories help in the understanding of humans. This study is called Psychology and there are many different subfields in this diverse study of the people around us. One subfield that is particularly interesting is personality psychology. Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation between individuals.
Type A Personality or Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP) include typical responses of competitiveness, time urgency, and hostility. Type A’s normally strive towards a goal without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. They also seem to be in a constant struggle against the clock and become impatient with any delays and unproductive time. Type A’s also tend to see the worse in others and display anger, envy and lack of compassion (McLeod, 2017).
The ENTP personality codes are: Extraversion – People belonging to this personality type usually get their energy from social interaction and love to take action. They are typically out-going and comfortable with mingling with crowds of people. Intuition – Due
ENFP also known as the campaigner is my personality type (16 personalities). I never realized what my personality type was until after finally doing this paper. It was a very eye opening assignment and made me realize and understand my personality type so much more. It’s exciting to know how I work. It amazes me at how I represent the ENFP exactly how it’s described, it’s crazy. I feel like I can better myself now, knowing that that’s just normal or my personality type. Before I would question myself on why I could never focus on just one task at a time, I would always want to explore more before I was finished. Now that I know that’s normal, I can work on improving myself. The campaigner represents a true free spirit.
My personality type is Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, perceptive or ENFP. According to the description in the exercise, ENFP's are warm, enthusiastic and live their outer life more with intuition and their inner more with feeling. This assessment is consistent with the results that I received in part I of the exercise. I am an extroverted person who enjoys being around and working with people.
Personality can affect all different aspects of one’s life. There are links connecting personality to academic and occupational success and social relationships. Health can even be affected by personality because immunity can be altered by personality traits like sociability, optimism, and carelessness. Personality determines the way social interactions occur and when social relationships are determined by how the interactions occur personality can really affect the way one builds social relationships. Just like social relationships, academic and occupational success are affected by personality traits like carelessness, mastery, and agreeableness.
Personality traits can be manifested as strengths or weaknesses depending on the situation, and personality tests can help individuals maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses within the organizational structure. Organizational behavior is critical to organizational effectiveness, and these tests can also point individuals toward certain careers or organizations that are good fits. Pearson Education’s MyManagementLab (2016) contains a series of personality tests and the following discussion analyzes the results of these tests as they apply to my personality and my career. The writing contains illustrations of my personality traits in action. The text also highlights areas of improvement that will enable me to be a better employee, co-worker,
Every human being on earth is born unique. Every person has different personality from one another. Personality is a unique combination of pattern that influence behavior, though, motivation and emotion in human being. Our personality determs the person who we truly today and how we interact in the society. Personalities make up our character whereby when comparing our self to another person you will find out that there are many things different about you to that person. Personality starts when we are a child and continue changing when growing. Our personalities develop through education and experience. They
Personality takes many shapes and forms and is affected by many factors. My understanding of personality is simply a genetic and environmentally determined set of psychological traits that influence our reactions in the world around us. Genetic because our parents possess a certain set of psychological personality traits that we tend to have in common with them so therefore in my opinion there are heritable personality traits. Personality is environmental because we each have our own separate experiences in the world and these experiences help form our unique personality. Neo-Freudians such as Jung have given us a wide array of ideas of how they believe personality is developed and formatted. Jung in particular has a very interesting
The relationship between personality and behavior. Does our personality cause the behavior to stay calm or go on a rampage? People all over the world have different types of disorders and a certain disorder is called a personality disorder. Arguments from researchers have been made whether or not with someone who has a personality disorder has anger problems and is a danger to others (Davison, 2012). Behavioral problems come from social-cultural influences such as presence of others, the media and peer influences (Myers, 2014).
what personality type that I have is very important to be successful in life, whether it be for
Characteristics a feature or quality belonging to a person, place or thing and serving to identify it. There are many personal characteristics that can define a person as an individual; some characteristics determined if a person is nice, disrespectful, intelligent, or not intelligent but it determines how a person interprets you. I believe that every individual has integrity as one of their characteristics, but my top three characteristics are Integrity, Compassion, and hard-working and for the person who carried me throughout my whole life “my brother” his characteristics would be his responsibility.