My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke

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Reaction to the Poem "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke
Poetry is open to interpretation
Since poetry is an openly passionate form of expression and every individual is unique in his or her own personal way, one could potentially interpret one poem in more than one way. In Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz,” I interpreted the author’s overall meaning and general expression of his diction as two or three different ideas. The more times I read the poem, the more I developed a different sense of this deeply strong and emotional piece. I eventually came to a cohesive meaning of the written piece after a few perplexed readings.

In “My Papa’s Waltz,” a young boy reminisces a family memory between himself and his father. Throughout this powerfully written poem, Roethke recollects the enjoyment of his father’s company just before bedtime. In lines 7-8, Roethke does mention a stern mother who does not partake or enjoy the messy rough housing, but I infer Roethke intended this poem for one …show more content…

Roethke used imagery to show his readers that this father may have made some forgivable mistakes, but he worked hard for his family and still came home after a hard night’s work to enjoy a romp with his son. Roethke continues to symbolize this loving memory of a boy and his father by comparing it to a waltz. His diction allowed the reader to imagine this sometimes-too-rough rough housing was a dance between father and son. Roethke referred to specific terms that are used often when it comes to dance. In line 11, Roethke writes, “At every step you missed.” He also made his readers visualize a linked dance between the two with lines, such as “You beat time on my head” (line 13). Symbolism was not the only powerful form of literary conventions that stood out to me in this

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