My Mom, the Leading Lady

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I was in 4th grade and it’d been just a month since I turned ten. I’m in 8th grade now and the memory still haunts me sometimes as though it just happened. I’d just gotten off the bus from school and was in a good mood, excited even because I had a field trip the next day. As soon as I walked in the door I was whisked away to run errands with my mom and it was just like any other day. Then she got a phone call in the car. It wasn’t unusual but this time when we pulled into a store’s parking lot she got out and asked me to wait. So I sat back and waited while she walked a little ways away to talk. When she came back to get me she was quiet and when we walked through the store and I begged her for all the usual toys and snacks she didn’t say no, she just put them in our basket and moved on. I didn’t notice that then, only when I relived the day later on did I realize all she’d done. When we finally got home she brought me and my sister up to her bedroom together and broke the news. Our dad had died of a heart attack. Even though they were divorced at the time of his death I could tell it had hit her hard. After she told us it was as if a shield she’d been holding had crumbled and she had cried with us at her side. Now our mom was to fully take on the role of a single mother of two young children, not to mention our older siblings she still had to worry about with the oldest still in college and the other moving across the country. When I look back to these days after his death I begin to notice things my mom did for us that I mightn’t have even blinked at then. I didn’t realize yet just how much she did and is doing. After that I really looked closely at all that she does and decided my mom truly is my personal Michigan hero. I... ... middle of paper ... ...more but my mom does all she can to make up for that. Sometimes I think about the fact that one day she won’t be here with us anymore and I worry that that day could be too soon. Just last week she went in for a surgery and while she’s feeling better now I have random bouts of anxiety that some complication will arise later than it should. Then she already has a heart aneurysm that technically threatens her health every day of her life. Still, my mom is tough, and she hardly complains compared to how my sister and I might act sometimes with just a cold. I love my mom for all she does for me, my sisters, and my brother, for my niece and nephew and just for the entire family. I hope she lives a long, lovely life with all of us despite any health problems she has now. She is an extraordinary woman and when I grow up I hope to take on the qualities that make her so.

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