My Life Of A Beard

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So, you’ve decided to grow a beard. Congratulations! But this decision is just the first of many more to come. Not every face is capable of growing an attractive beard. And not every beard will look attractive on every face. BUt, not too worry. There are a wide range of styles, one of which is sure to match your style, as well as your face.

The term “beard” applies to ay facial hair, regardless of style. And there are quite a few styles from which to choose. First, a simple stubble can come in a variety of lengths. A short stubble will take only a day or two to grow, and can give you the manly look of a permanent five o’clock shadow. But keep it neat by shaving any hair below the adam’s apple, and any that grow over the cheekbones. A medium stubble will take just a couple of days longer, but will require additional care to keep it looking neat and tidy. A medium stubble is usually considered about 3 to 5 mm in length. A longer stubble, about 6mm in length, will require even more attention. Be sure to maintain a consistent length, and trim out any errant longer hairs or patches to maintain a clean and tidy look.

A full beard is a classic look, but not all of us are capable of growing such a magnificent display. A full beard starts at the cheek line, with everything below left to grown naturally. A man who has a too high cheek line, or one hard to define, should imagine a line from the sideburn to the tip of a mustache, and use this as a guide, leaving everything above free of facial hair. A full beard may take a considerable time to grow, and the first phase may prove uncomfortable for you, and anybody seeing you. For this reason you may want to undertake these first steps while on leave. (Just a suggestion!) By about the four...

... middle of paper ... grow freely, with no length restriction.

You may have become overwhelmed with the choice of beards styles out there, but please remember that not all beards will look good on all men. The distinctive shape of your face may decide what is best for you. An oval shape is the ideal one for virtually any style of beard. A square face may look best with a circle or goatee style beard, with hair shorter on the sided and fuller along the chin. A rectangular face will require just the opposite, that is, fuller sided, or muttonchops, and shorter hair on the bottom. If you have a rounded face, perhaps you should try an anchor beard, or a boxy style with hair fuller on the chin.

Think before you commit to any style. There are a plethora of looks from which to choose, and you should make your decision based on your beard type, facial structure, and level of commitment.

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