My Life Experience With Religion Research Paper

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My life experience with religion started when I was very young. I was not born and raised religious, but I was raised in a religious household, per se. My parents were both raised as Catholic and went through the sacraments as they've told me. However, for myself and my siblings, they didn't feel the need to force religion on to us, so we were not baptized or anything like that. They did however use religion as a means of raising us to be kind, respectful, generous, etc. My parents would always stress things like 'say your prayers', 'count your blessings', and 'God is always watching'. That was pretty much the extent of it though, we never went to Church or anything, so I have no true knowledge of or background in Catholicism despite being raised by Catholics. Going though elementary, junior high, and high school, I never really got a full grasp on the concept of religion either as it wasn't taught in any level. I found it very hard to understand why people would devote time, effort, and even money to something that may or may not even affect the at all. It's hard for me to see the value in praying to God when he's obviously not sending miracles down on me to prove his existence. Then on top of that there's the Bible which is supposed to document the crazy lives of prophets, Jesus's crazy life, and the Holy Spirit …show more content…

Without religion, you die, and you're just dead, that's it. With religion, dying is just the beginning, whether it be heaven or nirvana or whatever else. I've sadly lost a lot of people in my life, grandparents, aunts, uncles, even friends of my older siblings. From these funeral services I've attended, there's always readings that to me read "we shouldn't be sad or angry as they're in the best place they'll ever be now, and you'll join them one day." This aspect of religion I'd like to think I really truly believe in as no one wants death to be the end of

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