My Hero, Princess Diana of Wales

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Princess Diana of Wales Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a princess. Actually, she just lived in England. This princess helped others. She doesn’t need a prince to save her! Princess Diana was a hero because she helped the sick and the poor despite her own personal troubles. This paper will inform you on the early life, family, career, struggles, and contributions of Princess Diana’s life. Life Story Diana didn’t start out a princess but she was still fond of her childhood. Diana was born on July 1, 1961 in Norfolk England. She had many siblings including Cynthia, John, Charles, and Sarah. When she was six her parents, John Spencer and Frances Smith, divorced. Diana went to West Health Public school in Kent and after school worked as a nanny, a cook, and at a kindergarten. Childhood was a happy chapter of Diana’s life, “A lot of nice things happened to me when I was in nappies [diapers].” (Page 6.) Diana, at age 19 got married to Prince Charles of Wales. Diana got married at St. Paul’s Cathedral with a beautiful dress made by David and Elizabeth Emanuel, two unpopular designers.3500 people were present as Princess Diana walked down the aisle and 750million people watched worldwide. Princess Diana stumbled only once in getting the order of her husband’s name right. There was quite some age difference and some doubted their love. Their marriage had its ups and downs. They had two kids, Harry and William, born September 15, 1984 and June 21, 1982. While in their marriage Charles spent a lot of time with another woman. Finally on August 28, 1996 they divorced. Diana said, “It was the saddest day of my life.” Even afterwards she continued to work with others. After the divorce it was rumored that Princess Diana... ... middle of paper ... ...hich,”…created an international ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines.” This treaty is still in use today. Why do people spend their whole lives devoting it to others? Princess Diana spent her life to help others, but, why do people spend their whole lives devoting it to others? There are many answers but Diana said in her own words “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Now that you have read Princess Diana’s life story, struggles, and contributions maybe you can tell why she’s my hero. Because of her successful work with the less fortunate, Princess Diana is a true hero of the world. There will always be people like Diana, who are selfless, kind, and loving but there will always be more people who need their help and even more that have the capability to help.

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