My Grandpa Death

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The Death of My Grandpa It was mid-November of 2014. I was in the sixth grade when I hear the news that my grandpa is the in the hospital and that he is not doing well. So my parents book tickets for my family to go to Jordan to check on him and be there if he passed away. My parents left on a Sunday but I had some tests and a performance coming up so I could not leave. So I stayed for a week and as my parents and Ismail's parents were close friends I slept at their house for 3 days until I traveled to Jordan on that Tuesday. My flight was quite interesting as it was connected flight it was not my first time flying alone as I flew to Germany to see my aunt a few years earlier, but it was my first time traveling a connect flight alone. The …show more content…

They had told me they would be back at around 10 but they ended up staying the whole night. When it became passed midnight and they still weren't home I felt that it was over and that my grandpa had died. Then at around 1:30 my mom and dad came home and told me that my grandpa had died. So then my first reaction was quite calm but after my parents went to their room and slept I started remembering all the good moments and started tearing up and I felt like a soldier who had just lost at war but I knew he was in a better place now. Then finally at around 6 am I was able to sleep. The next I woke up at 10 getting only 4 hours of sleep, I was exhausted but I had to get dressed for the funeral. After I got dressed I went downstairs to my grandparent’s house where the females funeral had started but since I was young I was allowed to walk through. Then I went outside and all the men went to pray Friday prayer. After that, we prayed Salat al-Janazah which is a prayer Muslims pray when someone close dies. When we finished praying we took his body to the graveyard. Then after we were done we had to go to the funeral location. The road was very crowded on the way back so we were

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