My favourite subject was art plastique (and hmm writing stories). The only thing that for me doesn't require much intellectual energy.
I hated maths, only because I really wanted to be good at it but absolutely sucked at.
I was pretty much bad at everything, with an overall average (average grade of all the subjects combined) of 11/20.
Most of the time I barely tried. Having an average grade (in a subject) of 5/20 then 14/20 the next trimester, etc., but that's no excuse for being a failure.
I sucked at everything except art plastique, I had 16,5/20. The only subject I could help people at, often did my siblings'/friends' work. After that, there's English with 14/20, Spanish with 13/20 and history/geography with 13/20. P.E. (physical education)
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From how it was explained to me by her (and later researched by me), it really seems like some bullshit-y term made for "stupid" people who secretly wish/believe that they are geniuses in disguise.
If she thought there was some intellectual inhibition, she might as well tell me the truth, it's simply stupidity. Instead of coming up with some excuse.
She also told me that she thought I had an above average IQ. What. We barely communicated. And when we did, we only talked about me!! Of course, I'm extremely introspective/self-aware and know practically everything about myself that there is to know, and the subject is "me"! That she formed this opinion by barely conversing with me says more about how quick she is to judge based on little information than anything
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I rarely open my mouth, thus I'm much less likely to expose my stupidity to others.
I genuinely think that I'm an imbecile who is sort of mentally slow.
I've asked around, but no one but my mother seems to perceive it, she frequently calls me an "idiot". But I never believe a word she says, even though I think she's right. Anything besides "You're an idiot, Yamna." sounds utterly wrong.
I did a neuropsychological assessment weeks ago, which happened to include an IQ test (WAIS-IV). Needless to say, I think I performed terribly. But I haven't gotten the results yet, I'll get them next week. IQ tests are criticized and debatable (not very effective near the center of the bell curve), but if I am actually mentally slow or something surely it will be obvious enough to show up. Maybe with a low IQ of 70-85, something like that. I'd consider anything below the center of the bell curve, low and deficient, anyway.
(Caveat: I don't think everyone with an average IQ is actually stupid, obviously. Mostly thinking out loud.)
If somehow it shows up as average (90-109), then I don't understand what's wrong with me. And I think that something IS definitely wrong with my
To be intelligent means to be able to apply what we learned in school and use what we learned in our everyday life to achieve a goals that is sit or one that we are accomplishing without knowing. Many people think that a person is intelligent because they went to a university, got a degree, and have a good paying job, so they must be smart and know everything however thats not always true. If we would ask a teacher or professor the chances of them knowing how to fix a car are slim. So why do we think teachers are so intelligent? We think teachers are intelligent because they know everything about their subjects, know how to teach it and know how to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives.
Before answering the questions let find out what intelligence test is. It is a test consisting of a series of tasks requiring people to use various verbal and non verbal skills to measure the individual’s intellectual ability. Now that we know what an intelligence test is we can now answer the question better. Three important short comings of intelligence test that have nothing to do with intelligence are: having low motivation or high anxiety which can greatly influence the performance on the test, also IQ test may contain cultural biases in their language and or tasks that may place people of one background above people of another back ground, and members of minority groups may have little experience with this kind of test or may be uncomfortable with examiners of a different ethnic back ground than them (Comer, 2013, pp.107).
I've always loved learning, especially math. Math has always come easy to me. Science also has never been challenging enough so I took Chemistry this year and I am planning to take physics next years. Chemistry is very challenging for me and I've had thoughts of dropping out of it, but I pushed myself and forced myself not to give
“excessive” belief in her own superiority to others and her own attractiveness, leading her to the
flunking all four subjects and not applying myself and all.” Typical teenagers also do not
Since intelligence is usually judged in IQ tests or just tests in school, many individuals are claimed to have average or little intelligence. They struggle in school, trying to learn math, English, reading; but they may excel in other places like sports, music, or relationships. This is where Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences comes into play. He proposed that there are eight forms of intelligence, possibly more. The two that are seen in school often are Logical-Mathematical and Linguistic-Verbal. The people who excel at these are seen as geniuses and are thought to do very well in life. The others that don’t do well in those two may be better at one of the other six.
" In 1982, Eysneck said "IQ correlates very highly (.8 and above, without correction for attenuation) with tests which are essentially so simple, or even directly physiological that they can hardly be considered cognitive in the accepted sense." Many other people would agree that all these skills could be put into a single category called intelligence, but there are also other people who would disagree and say that there is more than one type of intelligence.... ... middle of paper ... ...
Firstly, I secured myself in the top six percent in my class. In the state of Texas, all public universities automatically accept all students ranking in the top ten percent with the exception of the University of Texas, who automatically accept the top eight percent. In order to make the top ten percent, I took as many weighted classes as I could. I began my eighth grade year by taking algebra a year ahead of the majority of my classmates. In doing so, I
One of the major reasons I dropped out was the fact that my Math t...
...t I am doing is correct. Also, when I was first starting out in school I was taught with a lot visual objects, because of this I had a hard time on this test because I had to do everything in my head. My parents growing instilled in me that if I work hard enough I can do anything I wanted, it would not matter how smart you are. Thus I have always thought that IQ tests cannot predict success, but can help act as a guide and a place to build from. I feel as though this test might be a fairly accurate portray of my IQ. However, the test was heavily math involved, which I tend to struggle in. Also the test made me do everything in my head. Since I consider myself a visual person I tend to have to see the work I am doing in order to be successful. Thus I feel as though if this test allowed me to do the work how I do my own I feel as though I would have done better.
While the IQ test is generally used and widely accepted they have been criticized for several different reasons. One is that the test by its nature measures how well a person does answering questions on paper. However it is well-known that not all forms of intelligence involve memorizing words or solving equations. Recently there has been a movement in psychology regarding something called EQ or emotional quotient. What this is saying that there should also be a rating for people that are particularly able to deal with other people and social situations. While someone that is very good at dealing with people and real world situations is generally not regarded as being intelligent in a stereotypical manner there hasn’t been any definition of intelligence proposed which have ruled out this particular form of intelligence.
My favorite subject in highs cool was math, since it required little English knowledge and my least favorite subject was Physical Education. I would have never thought that I was going to hate Physical Education because usually that’s a class most students would probably like to take again and again.
Can intelligence be measured? Does an IQ test actually measure a person’s intelligence? The answers all depend on who you ask.
the whole assessment, this was the only area that I didn’t feel was as accurate. While I have an
myself liking mathematics and history, rather than any form of the arts.I did not hate music, and