My Father's Life: An Event That Changed My Life

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An event that not just changed my life, but as well as my father was his journey to sobriety. As a child, I always noticed something different about my dad. His physical appearance showed a man high with a beer in his hand and slurring his words. I knew Inside that this couldn 't be a person,but a lost soul, a person so bitter about the miserable past in which he couldn 't forget.My father 's life began in the Bronx. Boring into an Irish household where his 2 parents were always on the run, food had always was a question if going to be had, and drugs and alcohol were always in sight. With little to no guidance, my father used drugs and alcohol as an escape. When he lost his mother at the age of 10 his drinking becomes more of a routine.Following …show more content…

My mom and dad started fighting 24/7, she would yell " You can 't put us through this anymore." I remember lying in bed, closing my eye and covering my ears, I started to hum to cover up hearing the yelling and crying. My dad ran into my room and with every bone in my body shaking, he grabbed my arm. I could see the tear rolling down his face, which was first. I had never seen him cry before. My dad said " I wanted to give you guys the world and I failed." After that I discovered a feeling of fear towards my dad which I thought that would had been impossible. My dads misery became so overwhelming that alcohol was no longer his preference to deal with his pain, to now advancing to drugs. Watching my dad take his 5th hit of crack in the living room on a spring afternoon. He held my hands with bloodshot eye and dry lips, he said " I want you to know before it is too late, that this world is not a nice place." Being that I was only 10 years old, I didn 't know what that meant. I just kept hoping that my dad would be ok and everything would go back to normal. At the same time I knew that my dad was becoming a person I didn 't know could …show more content…

To be honest, I never picture anything. I just thought that our separation was something to be called permanent. The first sight of my dad, he had a huge smile on his face. He hugged me and I automatically got the feeling of protection, which was a feeling that I hadn 't felt in a long time. Everything about him seemed like the dad I called used to call my best friends. At the same time I felt as if I was holding my breath the whole time, just waiting for something to go wrong. My dad then held my hand and said " Please don 't be afraid anymore." So much time had been lost between us. My dad told me his story from when he was a child and how the demons of his past caught up to him. As much as he told his story, I knew I had to tell mine. 7 years had past and I began to explain that the way I felt was the way no child should ever feel. Abandon, confused about why, and sad about everything at once. I was mainly so hurt that he chose a drug that made him feel happy for 15 minutes, when he could of had a family that would give him that for a lifetime. It was a long time to process, understand, and accept everything that had

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