Ethan Munchausen Effects On Zeena

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Starkfield is a small, agricultural town in Massachusetts that endures long and brutal winters. The winter months of Starkfield greatly affect the townspeople. The cold brings loneliness, and feelings of being trapped to the people of Starkfield, because they cannot travel through the brutal snow storms. Ethan, Zeena’s Husband, is affected by the winter month’s because he feels the isolation it brings. This in turn effects Zeena because she is neglected, and does not get any attention from Ethan. Zeena is known by everyone in town. Not only is Zeena known by everyone, her illnesses are known by everyone also. Mr. Hale once said “I don’t know anybody round here’s had more sickness then Zeena” (Wharton 78) Most of Zeena’s time is spent searching for cures, doctors, and procedures which will relieve her imagined sicknesses. Zeena was proposed too by Ethan after she had offered to nurse his sick mother back to health. Ethan enjoyed having the company of another person and felt that he was obligated to marry to Zeena because of her help. As time went on Zeena also became sick with …show more content…

Since I do not know much about Zeena’s past, but I have seen her interaction with her husband, and her cousin, I can say that in my professional opinion Zeena has Munchausen Syndrome because of neglect. Although Zeena shows the symptoms of the illness when she is alone, they seem to escalate when she is around Ethan. She also shares her illness’s with Ethan by saying things like “I have complications” (Wharton 88). Zeena shares with Ethan as a way to get him to acknowledge her, and when Ethan does not acknowledge her, she tries harder. Zeena has Munchausen syndrome because she shows many of the symptoms related to the illness, and I believe that it is a mechanism used by her to get attention from her family, and

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