Movie Analysis Of The Movie: Cowspiracy

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Cowspiracy was a very interesting movie. It included a lot of facts that surprised me and made me think about the things going on in the environment. One of the facts that surprised me was the fact that the meat and dairy industry produces more greenhouse gases than cars, boats, motor bikes, etc. In fact, Meat and animal agriculture industries are the leading industry for methane and carbon dioxide consumption. I was a litte confused when I heard this initially because I always assumed that cars were an obvious choice for the biggest pollutant. All of the facts about water really amazed me. Water really is a part of everything. The documentary stated that raising livestock consumes 34 trillion of water, eggs are almost 477 gallons of water, and cheese is almost 900 gallons of water. The facts that really settled in me were the …show more content…

I believe that this is because America hates to be cast in the bad light. We want to be the light of the world. We want other countries to look to us. Major agencies in the film decided to give “no comment” on an issue that they were afraid would be bad for their brand. America believes in a brand and that is the reason there are a lot of issues. The second reason is pure ignorance to the issue. A lot of these companies couldn’t talk about an issue they knew nothing about. If you notice of a lot of the information provided by the agencies were provided surface level. If they dug a little deeper the cow issue would have been uncovered years before it got this bad. With ignorance comes the idea that because they knew so little, they didn’t want to show that they knew nothing. Which brings the conversation back to branding. Agencies like Oceana, one of the biggest organizations fighting the rights of aquatic creatures, had no idea about the issues going on right under their noses. What does that say about the

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