Mother Earth

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“Only when the last fish is gone, the last river poisoned, the last tree cut down...will mankind realize they cannot eat money” Greenpeace. Every person in this world are working hard and earning much money to make their future sustainable. Most of people dream of a happy family in a beautiful house, but we did not imagine about environment in those days. Industries and vehicles are releasing carbon dioxide, which damage our environment. While we are dreaming about our bright future, our earth has been raped by our activities since humans are exist. When people realize about environmental problem, they push their responsibility to solve and protect our planet to the large organizations. Instead of blaming governments and factories, people should join individual hands and make our future come true. Everybody nowadays is busy in his or her daily life, there is three ways to protect environment, which can matched up with our life style.
First way to protect environment, which does not disturb our busy life, is “Plant Condominium”. In the present, land price around the world are increasing rapidly according to the population rate (Land and Property, 2013). Land price in many main countries touch the sky, some people cannot even afford a piece of land to bury their dead bodies. Working ages are living in an appropriate size house for their small family, which mean traditional style house are replacing by condominiums. Green areas in traditional house changed into carbon dioxide released cars. “Home”, a room in the tall condominium with three or four family member, is limiting our green space. Plant Condominium takes an important role. Plant condominium made by a metal stand according to the size of balcony, many tiers shelf according...

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...this warm blanket. In addition, we turn off some electronic device, it make us have more time for our family. We can share our happy and sad moments with our family. By sharing these moments, we become closer to our family member. A dream of us, a happy family, seems to be more real.
In the conclusion, humans activities harm our environment, which can be heal by us. We all want to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. Plant condominium, earth gift and using less electricity are three ways to protect and heal our earth. These three ways should be share and done by us to protect our environment before it become unsuitable for humans to live. We should not wait until the scenario that has been quoted on the top come true to be realize that money cannot do everything.

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