Morphine Research Paper

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While most drugs are a combination of substances derived and created in varying circumstances, morphine is unique in the fact that it is one of twenty parts of the drug called opium that is derived from the opium poppy plant (Arbog, 2005, p. 1 ). Instead of being created through the mixing of substances, a usable form of morphine can simply be filtered out of the opium plant. Therefore to understand the history of morphine it is important to understand how the opium plant came into the spectrum of medical use in the first place.
In the early 18th century China had a booming export industry and had very little need for imports. This meant that China was in the driver’s seat when it came to trading with other countries. Because of their position China demanded that they only be paid in silver for their greatly desired export goods. Britain, who was in great need or nearly all of China’s export goods, went on a world wide conquest to trade and steal as much silver as possible in order to trade with China. During this conquest the British took control of the part of India that produced the majority of the worlds opium poppy plants …show more content…

2). He named his alkaloid Morphium after the Greek god of dreams named Morpheus. Morphine’s first trials occurred at the hands of Serturner, who first tested it on and killed several dogs. After greatly reducing the dose, Serturner tested the alkaloid on himself and several younger boys. He found that it contained effects relating to pain relief, known as analgesic and causing euphoria. When morphine was administered in higher doses, he found that it possessed effects that were psychiatric in nature, as well as suppression of cough, relaxed breathing and vomiting (Ferguson, 2014, p.

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