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The Truth about Mormon Stereotypes
Mormons are of treacherous, lustful, males; degraded, gullible females; and neglected unmanageable children, or at least that’s what byu.edu says. This is just one of the many examples of a mormon stereotype. “Mormon” is one of the many nicknames given to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this one being the most common. Heard of them, well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you said no. And if you did, you could call this “Mormon Stereotyping 101.”
A stereotype is a generalization of a certain group of people with a particular belief or way of living. Stereotypes are never a good thing, for they cause these groups to feel that they must follow the general standard set for them. For example, when deseretnews.com says, “Mormons are predominantly Republican, overwhelmingly white, well-educated, prosperous, and have larger-than-average families,” they’re defining what a “mormon” is and what it must be. Being a “mormon” doesn’t mean your Republican, white, or have larger-than-average family, it means that you belong to a certain religion and that’s it.
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There is much proof that shows that these stereotypes are affecting “mormons”.
According to deseretnews.com, 59% of mormons also identify as Republicans. These mormons may have identified as Republican because of the pressure of the stereotype that “mormons” are predominantly Republican. Also, they said, that “mormon” households range from 3.7 to 4.2 persons. Many “mormons” may feel that, because they are “mormon”, they must have many kids to not stick out. Another stereotype that affect “mormons” is the stereotype that “mormons” are overwhelmingly white. A US study showed that 91% of “mormons” are white, while 3% black, 3% hispanic, and 3% other. These populations of ethnicities maybe because many non white “mormons” may feel that they don’t fit in. This may be the reason for the small portion of colored
“mormons”. Even though stereotypes are now commonly taken as jokes, the affect they have on us isn’t. Stereotypes don’t only affect “mormons”, they affect everyone. Stereotypes are universal. They are everywhere. “Mormons” aren’t the only group that are affected by them, in fact, stereotypes have affect on every group. For example, at Princeton, students that of white race were given a golf task. These students were split into two groups. One group was told that the task measured natural athletic ability, the other wasn’t. The first group performed poorly when compared to the other due to the frustration of not getting stereotyped, for white people have the stereotype of lacking natural ability in golf. This example truly shows that stereotypes have affects on how we think and act. Stereotypes, both big and small, have affect on all of us. Stereotypes limit who we are and tell us who we must become. We have to realize that our identity is not determined by stereotypes, but is determined by our choices. We can become whoever we may choose. Stereotypes are never a good thing and will never be. So before we compare someone else’s identity to their stereotype, think of the effect it will have on them and how they think of you!
The Difficulties of Mormons and Gentiles Living Together The Mormons and the gentiles found it difficult to get along it was both the Mormons and gentiles fault. When large amounts of Mormons moved to a new settlement e.g. Illinois, the gentiles felt that they were going to take over and rule their area. The gentiles attacked the Mormons to show them who is boss. The Mormons didn't fight back but made a police unit, the Danites this protected the Mormons and tried to keep peace. The gentile's thought that this was an army and attacked the Mormons forcing them to go.
...e early and present members stronger by forcing them to defend their beliefs as Mormons (Roberts 5:294-300).
The history of the Mormon Church goes back to 1863 when its founder, Joseph Smith, II, claimed to have a vision of the angel Moroni, who appeared to him in upper New York State and instructed him to interpret ancient writings on gold plates. The Mormon doctrine states that Jesus, after His resurrection, appeared to the Native Americans. The accounts with the Native Americans were transcribed onto the gold plates according to Moroni, the messenger. One doctrine of the Mormon Church, The Pearl of Great Price, shares a lot of the private journals of founder Joseph Smith. Founder Smith recalls, "He called me by name, and said that he was a messenger...and that his name was Moroni...," (Pearl. II:33) This is one of the main cornerstones of the Mormon doctrine. The Mormon Church had its beginnings from New York and traveled to Kirtland, Ohio, then on to Spring Hill (Independence), Missouri, and finally traveled back to Nauvoo, Illinois. It was at Nauvoo where on, Jun 27, 1844, Joseph Smith, III, his brother Hyrum Smith and friend John Taylor were ambushed at the Nauvoo-Carthage Jail. In the course of events that transpired, Joseph and Hyrum w...
What Is a Stereotype? The definition of a stereotype is any commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of individual. Stereotypes are often created about people of specific cultures or races. Stereotyping is a big problem, and everyone can be affected by it. There are many ways to stereotype a person such as, all white Americans are obese, lazy, and dumb, men who spend too much time on the computer or read are geeks, that all Mexicans are lazy and came into America illegally, all Arabs and Muslims are terrorists, or that all Americans are generally considered to be friendly, generous, and tolerant. All of these examples of stereotyping are found in the novel, Spare Parts: Four Undocumented Teenagers, One Ugly Robot, and the Battle for the American Dream by Joshua Davis, published on December 2, 2014. This is a nonfiction/documentary book that follows the true story of how four undocumented teens from Mexico, leaving in Arizona, are joined by two teachers who were able to beat some of the best engineering schools
The Mormon Church in the nineteenth century was considered strange and isolated by many Americans because of...
With the advancements in the study of social sciences, there has been a somewhat parallel growth of cults which though have their foundations in the original Bible and the Christian teachings, yet one may observe that the majority of the present day cults not only deny the essential doctrines, they openly emphasize and present their own personal reinterpretations of the biblical scriptures. The following paper will present two such cases, those of Christian Science and the Mormons, and strive to present some of the comparative elements, their beliefs, customs, religious ceremonies and leadership aspects.
While polygamy is illegal in America, there are roughly 30,000 to 50,000 people who live in polygamous families. According to an article in the International Business Times, about “forty thousand people in America are self-described Mormon fundamentalist who practice plural marriage and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints remains the largest organized fundamentalist group in the world.” Jeffs grew up in a religious community known as FLDS, a radical branch from Mormonism, but it is not recognized within the mainstream Mormon Church....
Everyone has heard the saying don’t judge a book by a cover. Sadly every minute of the day someone gets judged because of assumptions that are not correct. These assumptions overtime eventually lead to stereotypes. A stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person. Stereotyping a person is seen in many differents aspects such as race, groups, beliefs, appearance, etc. An individual may ask why people are stereotyped or stereotype. In reality stereotyping helps people categorize the different type of people. It narrows down the options of who one might want to associate with. Stereotyping can have its negatives, it makes people ignore how others really are. It may lead to a person not wanting to hang out with another person because of the stereotype that persons group has. Everyday the general public use cars for the means of transportation. But what about when people use their car for more than transportation, car enthusiasts often modify their cars to their likings. Enthusiasts often join car clubs to share their common interests with other car enthusiasts. Often the people in car clubs have a stereotype of being juvenile, racing a lot, low-life bums, and ghetto when actually most do not have those characteristics.
According to Dictionary.com a stereotype is something conforming to a fixed or general pattern, especially an often oversimplified or biased mental picture held to characterize the typical individual of a group (dictionary.com).
I guess you could say Kevin is the ring leader of the group. He is an unassuming man at first look. Sure he is covered in tattoos and has his ears gauged, but that’s not so out of the normal anymore. Once you get to know him however, your outlook may change. Kevin was raised as a Mormon from his childhood. He went to church and was baptized according to their
In 1870, the women of Utah got the franchise; this was 50 years before the rest of the United States (Bushman 112). Later revoked in 1887, when all Utah citizens got disenfranchised by the U.S. Government during the crackdown on polygamy (112). This and the fact that Utah had a high rate of early female doctors, and women of the time had been encouraged to work for pay (112).This led people to believe that perhaps the church was at one time more responsive to females working out of the home. Brigham Young the second president of the church once said “We believe that women are useful not only to sweep houses, wash dishes, make the bed and raise babies, but they should stand behind the counter, study law or physics, or become good bookkeepers and ...
“History of Fundamentalist Mormons.” Wheat & Tares. Wheat and Tares, 2011. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. .
Stereotypes are a fixed image of all members of a culture, group, or race, usually based on limited and inaccurate information resulting from the minimal contact with these stereotyped groups. Stereotypes have many forms: people are stereotyped according to their religion, race, ethnicity, age, gender, color, or national origins. This kind of intolerance is focused on the easily observable characteristics of groups of people. In general, stereotypes reduce individuals to a rigid and inflexible image that doesn't account for the multi-dimensional nature of human beings. One example of stereotypes is the categorization of the Jews in the Elizabethan era.
Most Mormon voters can tell you nothing about this candidate except that he is Mormon and attends BYU football games, as evidenced on his social media. There is no evidence that he is any more qualified for the job of President of the United States than Donald Trump, but because he is a Mormon, therefore he deserves our
Stereotypes are assumptions that are made about an entire group of people based on observations of a few; they act as scapegoats for prejudice behaviour and ideologies.