Morality Play In Marrakech, By George Orwell

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Jaclyn Regnery Dr. Gardner Honors World Literature 25 April 2014 Morality Play Marrakech is a city in North Africa, where George Orwell’s short story takes place. It is this particular setting that affects the author himself, George Orwell. Everything about the city Marrakech, from the ground on which Orwell walks, to the buildings that tower over him, all led to his ultimate epiphany. The society he lives in is everything but right. Orwell’s Marrakech is ultimately a morality play, in which Orwell himself faces a battle with his own conscience. In Marrakech, the way the people act and are treated is odd. The most striking thing is the strange invisibility of the people. An example of this are the women that passed by Orwell everyday without his noticing. All Orwell noticed was the firewood they were carrying. He realizes that he felt for the donkeys carrying too much before he noticed the old women. He continued on to state, “Anyone can be sorry for the donkey with its galled back, but it is generally owing to some kind of accident if one even notices the old women under her load ...

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