Morality In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Morality refers to the quality of human acts by which they are dubbed right and wrong, or maybe good and evil. An action is right, or good, when it conforms to the ‘norm’, or by society’s rules. This, however, creates an escape clause, because what is the ‘norm’, and who decides it? John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice And Men, recounts the story of two itinerant ranch hands who are dependent on each other. Murder is and always will be unlawful, however, under the circumstances, George was morally justified in shooting Lennie as he did it for the greater good of his friend. Aside from the fact that Lennie has been a hindrance to George in both his personal and professional life, George ultimately kills Lennie because he loves him. At a first …show more content…

Before Curley even knew who George and Lennie were, he got defensive and got ready to pick a fight with them. As Curley walks into the bunkhouse, “His eyes passed over the new men and he stopped… He turned toward the door and walked out, and his elbows were still bent out a little.” (25). From the second Curley laid eyes on the duo, there was bad blood between them. Most problems with Curley arise because of his insecurities. To cite an example, “Curley stepped over to Lennie like a terrier… he avoided looking at Lennie.” (63). Curley is feeling attacked, the guys are teasing him, he does not know where his wife is, and there is Lennie giggling away without a care in the world, because of his insecurities he thinks if he beats up Lennie it will prove his manliness, but instead ends up flopping around like a fish. When Lennie kills Curley’s wife, Curley jumps at the opportunity to torture him. As Curley came to life he exclaims, “I know who done it… he ran furiously out of the barn. (96). Curley does not skip a beat, he jumps up, grabs his shotgun and all he wants is to kill Lennie. George realizes ahead of time Curley will not care that Lennie’s actions were unintentional and decides the best way to handle the situation would be to kill Lennie himself, saving him from the wrath of Curley and the other

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