Moral Ambiguity in "The Stranger"

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Has there ever existed a person that has not judged someone else over their lifetime? Judging by reality as well as literature it seems that no person like that has ever existed. It appears that it is human nature to want to pronounce others as either purely good or evil. But does everyone fit into the mold of good or evil? In Albert Camus's The Stranger, Meursault is a morally ambiguous character, and this ethical indistinctness plays a major part in the novel as a whole and the theme that Camus is trying to portray.

Meursault resists being typecast into an archetypal moral category in many of his deeds and actions. Many of his actions in Part One of the novel help contribute to the fuzzy picture of the character. For example, at his mother's funeral, Meursault does not cry or weep in the typical mourning fashion, but rather sleeps during the vigil and entices one of the other mourners present to smoke a cigarette with him. This would be typically considered "evil" behavior, in the context of the story. He could easily been seen as disrespectful and seditious toward his mother and the established procedures of mourning, which seem to be fairly definite at that era in France. However, this "evil" mold can easily be shaken if one considers that Meursault may be more shaken than anyone else present at the funeral. Considering the other events in the novel, it seems as though he does not have a large capacity for emotion. Based on this, it is not unreasonable to assume that the events leading up to and including his mother's death may have overtaxed his limited scope of emotion, and he was therefore nearly incapable of mourning in the "normal" or expected way for his mother, but rather had to resort to his own, more c...

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...inal moments. Secondly, by embracing his fate, he gains a sense of compassion from the reader, who, by default, will begin to feel pity for this tortured soul. Morally, it would be impossible to judge this sort of act "evil," but also equally difficult to label it "good." Again, this is Camus' personal philosophy emerging through his literature, almost seeming to beg the audience not to pronounce judgment.

Throughout the novel, Camus presents the audience with one reason after another why Meursault should not, and in many cases cannot, be judged by "normal" standards. He also seems to say that no matter how mystifying or straightforward a person might be, there is no excuse for judging another human being. The question he finally presents to the reader is this: do we take his advice and abstain from judgment, or do we continue to judge others, often wrongly?

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