Montresor A Sociopath

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The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a sociopath as someone who behaves in a dangerous or violent way towards other people and does not feel guilty about such behavior. Sociopaths lack a conscience that allows people to decipher between right and wrong. In A Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator, Montresor, is believed to be a sociopath by many. He kills his friend, Fortunado, after he literally adds insult to a thousand of injuries. Though what the insult was and the previous injuries were never revealed to the reader, it could be assumed that Montresor probably overreacted to the Fortunado’s insult. But in order to answer this question the evaluation upon his motivation, strategy, and Montresor’s feeling and emotion towards …show more content…

He seems overall both happy and apathetic towards the situation. “Another characteristic is the total lack of empathy or sympathy for anyone else. If people lose everything they have, suffer terrible emotional or physical pain, even lose their life, it will not bother a sociopath at all. Not only does the pain or misfortune of others not bother them, but many sociopaths actually enjoy it” (Jones 21). This perfectly describes Montresor’s views and thoughts in the story. He went as far enough to joke and laugh about it numerous times. For example, "Enough," he said; "the cough 's a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough." "True --true," I replied; "and, indeed, I had no intention of alarming you unnecessarily --but you should use all proper caution. A draught of this Medoc will defend us from the damps.” (Poe 168). Montresor is both joking and foreshadowing about the future course of events. He is joking in a smug way about how he is going to be the one murder Fortunado not his petty drunken coughs. He seems very amused with his reply. Even to go as far as to give him precaution as they continue on their venture, though in reality he couldn’t care less. This is also an example of dramatic irony. He does this in another instance as …show more content…

He shows absolutely no remorse or any true interest in the effect that his actions will have. Even to go as far to make jokes at the expense of the future murder of his so called “friend.” Like Dr. Stout said, sociopaths can lead people to their impaling doom with much ease. The sheer ease of his master plan of revenge unfolding. His use of reverse psychology on people to have them ultimately do his true bidding. Playing with Fortunado’s trust to his own satisfaction and gain. He exhibits many traits of a sociopath throughout the story. Edgar Allan Poe is well known for doing this in many of his works as seen in classic works like The Black Cat, The Tell-Tale Heart. The protagonists of these stories are also sociopathic, insane, vengeful and blood thirsty people who in reality are in fact the true antagonists. In each of their minds they believe they’re rightfully exacting justice and don’t see any error in their actions or just simply don’t care. They’re also cold, unfeeling, persuasive, and sinister murders who escalate small issues out of proportion. A sinister character is a recurring theme in Poe’s work and Montresor is surely no exception to this

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