Monopolies Dbq

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Second: The break of monopolies or “trustbusting” began in the late 19th century with President Roosevelt. However, it was the Sherman Act passed by Congress in 1890 that really began dismantled large monopolies. The Sherman Act “was based on the constitutional power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce” (Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890). This act helped dismantle many of the monopolies that had been formed by companies’ trusts such as Northern Securities Company, Standard Oil and the American Tobacco Company. These companies had shareholders put their shares into one trust so the company could control “jointly managed” businesses and keep their prices low. This gave little competition to the major monopolies as other smaller companies could not stay in business and have such low prices. With the help of the courts monopolies continue to be kept at bay and competition continues to be encouraged within industries today.
Third: The woman suffrage movement began with trying to gain equal rights for women. Many petitions, marches and lobbies did not set any forward motion for the initial cause. However, the movement determined that without …show more content…

In 1922, the Anti-Lynching Bill was passed and this ensures people are equally protected in any state as well as punishing the crime of lynching. In addition, the organization challenged segregation laws as well as racial inequality. In time, this organization demonstrated the effects of segregation and in 1954 the Supreme Court “declared segregation in public schools to be unconstitutional” in the case of Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka. As society continues to move forward, I believe there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in regards to a many barriers of equality for

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