Macduff's Revelation: Unveiling Macbeth's Deceit

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One dark rainy night macduff was running through the streets trying to control his thoughts. He passes by macbetś castle and decides to stop and speak. He realizes there are many people around the castle. He buzzes to get into the castle and the weird sisters stop macduff at the gate. They start with a regular conversation. The weird sisters start to act funny and Macduff questioned what was wrong. The weird sisters begin to explain how they were in the castle and saw Lady macbeth sleepwalking. They spoke on how she was talking about Macbeth killing King Duncan. The weird sisters believed she was upset and guilty about what Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have done. Macduff runs off.

Macduff runs into the house very angry. He is not very aggressive but this was his friend who died. This became a totally different person. He began brainstorming about what he should do to Macbeth. Macduff was thinking for hours and didn't get any rest. He came up …show more content…

They let me right on in. Macbeth was in the book room looking at the books. He turned around.
¨Oh! Macduff i didn't see you you there you startled me.¨ ¨You look a little upset have a seat.¨

That set Macduff off, all he could do was charging towards him. He began stabbing him in the back repeatedly as he yelled out. Macduff stuck a sock in his mouth to utter out his screams then he silently closed the door and walked out the castle.

He snapped back to reality by a horn blaring in his ear. He began to swerve back to his lane to drive back home. He arrives home and walks in sluggishly. He begins to take a shower and think about his decision he has made.
Lady Macbeth is in the hospital breaking down because Macbeth is pronounced deceased. She calls her nephew Andrew to come handle things.

15 mins later

In walks a skinny boy with long black hair. He sees Lady Macbeth crying. She explains to him the story of what happened and her nephew walks

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