Monologue For Brave New World

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“Draco, seriously. Come on now, come on. You are dragging your feet on purpose. All of us need to sit down like rational adults and talk about the problem—” “We merely had lunch together, Hermione. If those disgusting cold sandwiches truly counted as a meal. Oh, and rather hurriedly in order to get back to our offices, I might add. That and Weasley’s unreasonable ranting might have caused some indigestion, but Astoria has no reason to suspect me—us—of impropriety. No, I don’t believe for a moment that this is because of her mother. Astoria’s histrionic comportment during our engagement has barely been tolerable. This is just the latest in a string of selfish dramas that will plague me for the rest of my life; my fiancée’s fire’s lit, but her …show more content…

Our grandchildren and even great grandchildren will be considered half-bloods!” “Lucius, calm yourself, your complaining is positively bourgeois. You are fully aware of Miss. Granger a war heroine’s status and how she is considered by all to be a brilliant witch despite the... unfortunate circumstances of her birth. I advise you to remind yourself of her reputation, constantly. For Merlin’s sake, you can never let anyone suspect that you haven’t moderated your views on blood purity.” “As if you have, Narcissa.” Lucius grimaced. “Or Draco, for that matter.” Narcissa chuckled. “You sometimes seem to forget that I lied directly to the face of the Dark Lord and got away with it. As for Draco, our son is a healthy young wizard. I may be his mother, but I’m no prude. He is in the possession of an enthusiastic libido which focuses on… oh, how shall I say this delicately... an aesthetically pleasing witch, coincidentally whose goodwill and prominence will pull this family’s tarnished name out of the mud.” “Mud being the operative …show more content…

Narcissa knew that, at some point in the future, the older and established wizarding families would make another move to exert control over their world. Likely not for several decades and doubtful during her lifetime, but the Malfoys were perfectly willing to make a soon forgettable sacrifice and to be patient. The intelligent Miss Granger was now the obvious and much more suitable choice for Draco. Lucius was just going to have to get used to the idea and then to voice his support of the young couple, especially once the paparazzi got a hold of the

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