Money Introduced Into The World Of Soccer

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Money Introduced Into the World of Soccer Money is everywhere in soccer, if you like it or not. During a game look around and imagine how much money is invested. It’s being used on the jerseys, stadiums, tickets, advertisement and food. Money makes a huge impact and effect if a team can become a top flight contender and win trophies. Professional soccer can be a capitalist idea and if there is money to be made, than it will be made. Money can have a strong influence on sponsorships, transfers of players and becoming a top flight contender. Sponsorships deals are a key to making money; whether its league sponsors, team sponsors, or player sponsors. The Division One League became the Premier League of English soccer, one of the biggest leagues …show more content…

When watching a soccer match notice all of the sponsorships around the stadium. There are sponsors on the team jerseys and even sponsors on digital billboards around the field. Smaller teams usually have more than three sponsors on their shirts. Sometimes there is even a sponsor the shorts of the players’ butt. Probably even notice that each player has their own brand of cleats even if they’re on the same team. This is cause players are offered contracts from shoe brands to sponsor there cleats while on and off the field. Money can be made on various levels. The amount of money each team makes though can differ if they can afford top class players and become a powerhouse …show more content…

If the team is not winning trophies and making history. Than sponsors lose interest in the team and they won’t get a big investment. Players and coaches want to be with the best teams in the world. Money is the key to becoming a powerhouse team in soccer. The team will be able to afford the greatest players and the smartest coaches in the world. When the team wins the title and trophies, sponsorships will want to sponsor the team, making even more money than before. In the Premier League there are a few teams that have all of this, the sponsors, players, and coaches. Then one of the few teams always end up winning the title after a close season. Teams that don’t have that much usually are at the bottom of the league table and the bottom three are even regulated to the second division. In the past, before the Premier League, any team could win the league but with money introduced the game has changed and become a game of

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